Triatlonová videa

On Assignment Ironman 70.3 Panama: Lance Armstrong Official Run Course Footage

17.2.2012 19:31 | ironmantriathlon | 1:24 | prohlédnuto: 37318x
On Assignment Ironman 70.3 Panama: Lance Armstrong Official Run Course Footage

On Assignment Ironman 70.3 Panama: Lance Armstrong Exclusive Post Race Interview

17.2.2012 19:31 | ironmantriathlon | 2:08 | prohlédnuto: 23044x
On Assignment reporter Dave Erickson and IronmanLIVE's Kevin Mackinnon caught up with Lance after his 2nd place finish at Ironman 70.3 Panama for an exclusive post race interview.

Rasmus on getting Lanced

17.2.2012 19:31 | triathlete | 0:32 | prohlédnuto: 78x
Rasmus on getting Lanced

Recap of the 2010 Ironman Florida

17.2.2012 19:31 | ironmantriathlon | 1:11 | prohlédnuto: 1397x

Ford Ironman World Championship 2011 - české stopy v Koně

17.2.2012 19:31 | skybedy | 4:45 | prohlédnuto: 1013x
Ford Ironman World Championship 2011 - české stopy v Koně

2011 KONA Alexander wins

17.2.2012 19:31 | watchtyr | 0:54 | prohlédnuto: 499x

2011 Kona Chrissie Wellington Finish Line

17.2.2012 19:31 | watchtyr | 7:16 | prohlédnuto: 1550x
My First Project

2011 Hawaii Ironman, Craig Alexander, Improving over last year?

17.2.2012 19:31 | sbrvids | 2:08 | prohlédnuto: 2497x - Craig Alexander at the 2011 Ford Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii. Pro Press conference, asked what he needs to do to improve over last year?

Bevan Docherty interview

17.2.2012 19:31 | triathlete | 2:50 | prohlédnuto: 128x
Bevan Docherty interview

Craig Alexander Interview, 2010 Ironman 70.3 Boise

17.2.2012 19:31 | sbrvids | 4:11 | prohlédnuto: 42x - Craig Alexander Interview before the 2010 Ironman 70.3 Boise triathlon with Dave Erickson. "Sprint Triathlon" "Olympic Triathlon" "70.3 Triathlon" "Ironman Triathlon" "Swimming Videos" "Cycling Videos" "Running Videos" "Athlete Interviews" "Dave Erickson" "Ironman Triathlon Reporter'

Chrissie Wellington Tri Harder Launch

17.2.2012 19:31 | tri247tv | 2:39 | prohlédnuto: 526x
Chrissie Wellington Tri Harder Launch 2

IRONMAN Hawaii 2011 - Bike Part

17.2.2012 19:31 | nopogobiker | 7:28 | prohlédnuto: 7805x

The Kona Legacy - 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | ironmantriathlon | 1:34 | prohlédnuto: 9804x

Triathlon Melnik 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | bondmelnik | 5:20 | prohlédnuto: 478x
Mistrovství republiky ve sprint triatlonu, 23.07.2011, Mělník. Kompilace foto-video. Plavání na pískovně Baraba. Závod snímala i Česká televize.

Horský off road duatlon Okolo Visalají

17.2.2012 19:31 | skybedy | 5:27 | prohlédnuto: 180x
Horský off road duatlon Okolo Visalají.

Duatlon Klasik Příbram Ford CZECHMAN TOUR 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | tvfonka | 6:08 | prohlédnuto: 227x
Klasik Duatlon Přibram 6.závod seriálu FORD CZECHMAN TOUR 2011 mistrovství ČR v dlouhém duatlonu dospělých Vložené dětské závody ve sprit MTB duatlonu ředitel Ing. Petr Švarc

Doksyman 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 6:20 | prohlédnuto: 842x
Doksyman 2011 -- triatlon -- 1,9 km plavání, 90 km kolo, 21 km běh. Poloviční ironman Máchově jezeře. Do cíle dorazilo 168 závodníků. Zvítězili Petr Vabroušek a Simona Vykoukalová. Free Royalty Free Music by

Větřkovický triatlon 2011 (bez hudby)

17.2.2012 19:31 | horskekolo | 9:59 | prohlédnuto: 199x
Video ze závodu z neděle 28.8.2011. Více info na -


17.2.2012 19:31 | ledmultimediatv | 0:16 | prohlédnuto: 111x
Velká cena energetické společnosti E.ON v triatlonu Český a evropský pohár / mistrovství ČR Tábor 31.7.2011

Otrokovice: Mistrem ČR v triatlonu je opět Petr Vabroušek

17.2.2012 19:31 | tvslovacko1 | 2:05 | prohlédnuto: 145x

Chlumecký triatlonek 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | petrhoryna | 4:27 | prohlédnuto: 188x
Chlumecký triatlonek 2011, Chárovna 27.8.2011 Autoři videa: Redaktor: Lucie Podobská, kamera: Pavla Mendřická, střih: Luděk Vondrouš Výsledky zde:

Kysucký Ultra Triatlon

17.2.2012 19:31 | junior13244 | 5:09 | prohlédnuto: 2294x
je to tu...(jsem jeden z nejlepších tanečníků disko!) ..ak máš nejaký ultimátny hajafaja nápad pre podobné koniny, určo pošli správu niekomu z produkčného tímu! Ak chceš aby sme prišli vystupovať do Kultúrneho domu v tvojej obci, posielal prázdne SMSky do sútaže od Resanky.. a hlavne: kupuj svrčinovské jogurty (na vlastnú zodpovednosť!).

TV Blansko: Blanenský plecháč

17.2.2012 19:31 | regionalnitelevize | 4:31 | prohlédnuto: 46x
Tradiční triatlonový závod proběhl v Blansku 29. května.

Doksyman 2010 - atmosfera

17.2.2012 19:31 | ttiimmlp | 2:03 | prohlédnuto: 974x
Doksyman 2010 - fanynka...

Hanácké pohár v triatlonu 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | zdimalpavel | 0:44 | prohlédnuto: 158x

JVP TV: Triatlon - Pozvánka na závody XTERRA Zlatá stezka 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | regionalnitelevize | 6:12 | prohlédnuto: 57x
Organizátor Michal Piloušek zve na letošní závody v triatlonu XTERRA Zlatá stezka 2011

Mor. Budějovice - 6/2011 - triatlon muži- vyhlášení

17.2.2012 19:31 | vcabel | 7:47 | prohlédnuto: 59x

Osecký triatlon 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | tvlipnik | 18:51 | prohlédnuto: 468x
TV uvádí: Osecký triatlon 2011, Osecký Jadran V sobotu 2. července 2011 se konal u Oseckého Jadranu již 4. ročník závodu Osecký triatlon, v letošním roce s podtitulem Dojdi a ukaž co je v tobě! Závod se skládal ze tří disciplín -- plavání (650 m), cyklistika (25 km) a běh (6 km). Závodníci byli rozděleni na několik kategorií -- muži a ženy, a dále podle věku. V tomto zkráceném sestřihu videozáznamu máte možnost zhlédnout průběh závodu. Článek a fotogalerii z této akce naleznete na

Doksyman 2

17.2.2012 19:31 | dvlan | 11:47 | prohlédnuto: 315x
Triatlon na břehu Máchova jezera zvládli organizátoři na jedničku.

Kokos Triatlon 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | standabog | 10:16 | prohlédnuto: 30x
Triatlonový závod v Březíně i za účasti členů HOŘOVICE TEAMU.


17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:39 | prohlédnuto: 6x

Dave 2011 11 18 074549

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:47 | prohlédnuto: 30x

david horni pohled vysvetleno proc mu nejde plavat

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 80x

david po změně

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:25 | prohlédnuto: 61x

david pomalu zezadu

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 1:15 | prohlédnuto: 11x

david zpomalene 01

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 3:15 | prohlédnuto: 57x

David 11 Nov 2011 07:04

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:40 | prohlédnuto: 19x

lenka zezadu pomalu

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:38 | prohlédnuto: 18x

radovan pomalu zezadu

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:46 | prohlédnuto: 25x

roman 9 Nov 2011 06:57

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:50 | prohlédnuto: 34x

7. října 2011 7:16

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:54 | prohlédnuto: 143x
Toto video bylo nahráno z telefonu se systémem Android

Great freestyle swimming tip

17.2.2012 19:31 | strokedoctorswims | 1:39 | prohlédnuto: 856772x
Extend your stroke as you go to air to achieve greater distance per stroke, which is what elite swimmers do.

FINIS Dryland Cords: Swim Conditioning Outside The Pool

17.2.2012 19:31 | finisswim | 1:21 | prohlédnuto: 701x Resistance workouts are a vital aspect of swim training and conditioning. The Dryland Cords are made with durable rubber tubing and comfortable handles. Attaching to an anchor point, the Dryland Cords allow swimmers to train outside the water and stimulate swimming motions. The cords isolate important muscles and enhance a swimmer's speed and endurance while building strength and a better range of motion. The Dryland Cords are appropriate for swimmers of all ages and abilities and come in three different resistances. The cords are also a great tool to combat injury and maintain strength in the off season. Visit FINIS at

Dryland - Medball Chest Pass

17.2.2012 19:31 | goswim098 | 2:11 | prohlédnuto: 4550x
Working on the power necessary to increase your quickness in the recovery of breaststroke, as well as increasing your overall strength can be accomplished through a fun dryland exercise. Remember, whenever using medicine balls, extreme care and focus needs to be taken to make sure nobody gets hurt. Have a count, or during a competition, make sure the eyes aren't taken off the ball until a winner is established. These exercises should also be done under the supervision of a coach. Why do it: Throwing a weighted ball helps to incease the explosive power that sometimes gets overlooked or under developed in swimming. How to do it: 1) Grab a medball of a weight that's correct for the athletes you'll be working with, 6-8 pounds was good for these two athletes. 2) The athletes will be seated, with the feet raised off the floor. Initially, position the feet about 12-18 inches apart whlie raised. Practice tossing the ball back and forth. 3) Move the athletes closer so their feet are nearly touching. This is to make sure the passes can be more accurate. 4) Aim the all at the other athletes chest, trying to hit them squarely centered. Make sure the throw comes from both hands equally, and not shifting to one side. 5) Do sets of 10 throws various times, increasing the intensity of the throws. How to do it really well (the fine points): To really make this a great exercise, incorporate a competition. Who can stay balanced the longest while trying to knock your competitor off balance. Throwing the ball back with greater force, throwing it back quickly before the competition can regain their balance, or sheer endurnace will determine the winner. You'll find when done correctly, this exercise will not only work the power in the arms, but the abs and hip flexors as well. Enjoy, and be safe.

All Strokes - Physio Ball Dryland IM

17.2.2012 19:31 | goswim098 | 2:22 | prohlédnuto: 8411x
This week's drill features some different and fun ways to use a physio ball to work on technique for all your strokes. Why Do It: Fast hands and high elbows are two of the most important concepts in swimming, but are sometimes hard to grasp while you're swimming. Practicing your strokes on land while bouncing a physio ball can help you get a better idea of what's needed in the water. How to Do It: 1. Grab a physio ball and start dribbling, just like you would with a basketball. Left hand...right hand...left...right...left...right. 2. Once you get a rhythm, start adding a freestyle stroke...without breaking your rhythm. 3. Try for a high-elbow recovery...and make sure you're finishing your stroke at the back. 4. Try 10 to 20 strokes of free, then go back to dribbling left, right, left right. 5. To get ready for butterfly, start dribbling the ball with both hands at the same time. 6. Find your rhythm, then add a butterfly stroke...without breaking your rhythm. Try for a straight-arm recovery, and you've gotta be quick. Don't let your hands or arms get stuck at any point. 7. Try 10 strokes of fly, then go back to bouncing left, right, left, right. 8. Get ready for breaststroke, dribbling both hands at once. 9. Then go for it. Breaststroke with the physio ball requires super-fast hand speed. 10. Get the speed, then build the technique with nice high elbows. 11. Return to left, right, left right, then hold the physio ball with both hands for backstroke. 12. Plant your feet, lean back slightly, and swing the ball down and up...side to side. 13. Work the hips and obliques. You'll also feel it in your thighs. 14. Visualize a bent-arm pull that pushes a massive amount of water toward the other end of the pool. How to Do It Really Well (the Fine Points): Try the sequence several times, becoming more and more aware of your technique rather than just hitting the ball. Quick hands and high elbows are key in all these movements.

Team United Bakeries Styrketips 16-18

17.2.2012 19:31 | teamunitedbakeries | 1:15 | prohlédnuto: 5733x
Disse tre øvelsene kan settes sammen i en sirkel. 10 pü hver, 3 runder.

Atlete Haile Gebrselassie Reveal part 1 CNN

17.2.2012 19:31 | abeyou | 8:14 | prohlédnuto: 261298x
Ethiopian long distance track and road running athlete. Known for his remarkable versatility, Gebrselassie achieved major competition wins at distances between 1500 metres and marathon, moving from outdoor, indoor and cross country running to road running in the latter part of his career. He has broken 25 world records and won numerous Olympic and World Championship titles, and is widely considered one of the greatest distance runners in history.

Fast Transitioning Swim to Bike

17.2.2012 19:31 | activedotcom | 2:34 | prohlédnuto: 69905x
Improve your T1 time by mastering Dave Scott's Techniques.'s thriving online community features original content and lively message boards with thousands of topics of interest to active individuals. Additionally, members can create personal profiles, share videos, post comments, ratings and more all at

Butterfly - Extra Kick Fly

17.2.2012 19:31 | goswim098 | 1:38 | prohlédnuto: 4123x
Here's a simple butterfly drill that incorporates a few wonderful aspects... relaxation and the opportunity to work on timing. Why do it: If you need to work on a longer butterfly, this drill is great. If you need a bit more work on your lungs, this drill is great. If you need to discover the timing of your second kick, this drill is great. How to do it: 1) The drill is simple, swim butterfly, but after the hands land in front, throw in a couple extra kicks. 2) When you're planning on staying under longer (which is sometimes necessary for masters swimmers to slow rate down), you'll automatically dive a bit deeper on your entry. The longer path you'll discover can be more comfortable for longer butterfly swims. 3) You're going to be underwater longer, so it's easy to turn this into a semi-hypoxic training set. 4) The extra time you spend underwater, will allow you to plan on "kicking your hands out" to work on that 2nd kick of your regular fly. How to do it really well (the fine points): When you're learning, or when you want to train this, throw on some fins, or just try to go faster. Also, try to get your head down and in line with your body during the underwater portion.

Craig Alexander & Chris Lieto - Running Technique Analysis by Kinetic Revolution

17.2.2012 19:31 | runningrevolution | 10:52 | prohlédnuto: 4530x
James Dunne from Kinetic Revolution provides a running technique video analysis, identifying the key technique factors which enable Craig "Crowie" Alexander to remain strong and effective on the Ironman marathon. Using Chris Lieto as a real-time comparison. For more information visit Footage from Kona 2009.

Freestyle - Sneaking Up On Air

17.2.2012 19:31 | goswim098 | 1:32 | prohlédnuto: 2455x
Here's a quick and simple drill to help you build a low breath in freestyle. Why Do It: Staying low when you breathe helps you avoid popping up and falling down during your breath. It also ensures that your energy is used to go forward and not up. How to Do It: 1. Start with some simple front balance. Both arms down to your sides. 2. Progress to front balance with both arms forward, position 11. 3. Initiate a pull back with one arm, while keeping the head still. 4. Now, as the arm pulls, roll over to air. How to Do It Really Well (the Fine Points): If you're still popping up, aim low. Actually aim to roll over UNDER the surface and then slowly sneak up toward air. Rather than popping up to air, learn to sneak up on it so your body stays in a better line longer.

Freestyle Breathing with Michael Phelps, Katie Hoff, & Bob Bowman

17.2.2012 19:31 | theswimchannel | 3:20 | prohlédnuto: 142638x
Coach Bob Bowman explains about breathing techniques while swimming freestyle. Personal Best Freestyle is a groundbreaking swimming instructional video starring Olympic sensations Michael Phelps and Katie Hoff. To purchase the full DVD go here

Grant Hackett Swimming Technique

17.2.2012 19:31 | jbiltonbtinternet | 0:08 | prohlédnuto: 341480x
Under water shot of Grant Hackett's front crawl technique

Soustředění Srní 2012

17.2.2012 19:31 | czetriatlon | 3:46 | prohlédnuto: 1149x
Soustředění české juniorské a K23 reprezentace v triatlonu na šumavském Srní v lednu 2012.

Stupid Rollers Tricks

17.2.2012 19:31 | marcofanelli | 5:19 | prohlédnuto: 428240x
A dork rides the rollers.

Styrketrening for syklister 3

17.2.2012 19:31 | teamunitedbakeries | 1:12 | prohlédnuto: 178x

Top 6 Stretching Exercises

17.2.2012 19:31 | activedotcom | 8:08 | prohlédnuto: 1283543x
Dave demonstrates six key stretching exercises to help enhance your range of motion and prevent injury. hosts the world's largest directory of sports and recreational activities, facilities, venues and classes, which includes more than 66,000 races, leagues, tournaments, camps and other recreational listings in over 80 sports and 5,000 cities all at

Triathlete Magazine TRX Running Lunge 2

17.2.2012 19:31 | triathlete | 1:04 | prohlédnuto: 457x
Triathlete Magazine TRX Running Lunge 2

58-Second Series: Best Run Transition

17.2.2012 19:31 | markallenonline | 0:58 | prohlédnuto: 3226x
Transitions are critical for saving time in a triathlon, and planning out your transition is the key to doing this fast. Here is a great way to approach your transition onto the run.

FINIS Sculling Paddles: Improve Stroke Catch and Build Muscle Memory

17.2.2012 19:31 | finisswim | 5:17 | prohlédnuto: 573x
Sculling Paddles are shorter swimming paddles that cover the fingers instead of the entire hand. The shorter design allows swimmers to focus on sculling technique and maintain the feel of the water against their hands. The paddles heighten stroke awareness and emphasize stroke imperfections, making it easier to identify and correct technique. Sculling Paddles are a great way to build forearm and finger strength by accentuating the entire stroke from entry to finish. The smaller design also minimizes pressure put on shoulders, avoiding potential injury that can be caused by traditional paddles. The Sculling Paddles can be worn during any swim stroke, and are available in a Jr size.

ForerunnerŽ 910XT: Swim metrics

17.2.2012 19:31 | garminblog | 2:22 | prohlédnuto: 22293x
ForerunnerŽ 910XT is Garmin's first fitness device to offer detailed swim metrics, including distance, efficiency, stroke type and more.

The FINIS Swimsense is the Key to Tracking and Improving your Swim Performance

17.2.2012 19:31 | finisswim | 0:47 | prohlédnuto: 2798x
The SwimsenseŽ (Powered by SportSense™) is a groundbreaking training tool, which captures critical performance data. The monitor straps onto the wrist like a watch and uses accelerometers, magnetometers and patent-pending proprietary algorithms to identify your swim. Analyze your performance on the device with pace times, distance (meters/yards/laps), stroke count, stroke rate, distance-per-stroke and calories burned across all four major strokes. Performance data can then be uploaded to the FINISŽ SwimsenseŽ Training Log for additional analysis and historical review. The SwimsenseŽ Performance Monitor provides a revolutionary degree of information, which is key to tracking and improving your swim performance.

ForerunnerŽ 910XT: Multisport Features

17.2.2012 19:31 | garminblog | 2:14 | prohlédnuto: 9431x
Learn how to use ForerunnerŽ 910XT's multisport features for your training and racing.

Introducing the Garmin Forerunner 910XT

17.2.2012 19:31 | garminblog | 1:43 | prohlédnuto: 65839x
Here's a quick look at Garmin's new Forerunner 910XT multisport training watch. The only all-in-one GPS-enabled device that provides detailed swim metrics and tracks distance, speed/pace, elevation and heart rate for running and cycling.

aerodrink hydration system, from Profile Design

17.2.2012 19:31 | profiledesign2009 | 0:17 | prohlédnuto: 5191x
Aerobar mounted hydration system, from Profile Design

Swimsuits 2011 Preview

17.2.2012 19:31 | triathlete | 1:08 | prohlédnuto: 870x
Swimsuits 2011 Preview

First in Flanders.m4v

17.2.2012 19:31 | zippspeed | 2:41 | prohlédnuto: 1480x
The Zipp 303 is the classics wheel that changed everything. The first carbon wheel to win the Tour of Flanders and Paris Roubaix in a single season, the 303 went on to conquer the toughest stage of the 2010 Tour before repeating at Flanders in 2011.

How To Pack a Triathlon Bike

17.2.2012 19:31 | sbrvids | 2:28 | prohlédnuto: 364x - Original Content by Dave Erickson Media. How To Pack a Triathlon Bike for Ironman 70.3 California 2011 -Swimming, Cycling, Running, Triathlon, Sprint Triathlon, Olympic Triathlon, 70.3 Triathlon, Ironman Triathlon, Swimming Videos, Cycling Videos, Running Videos, Athlete Interviews,

ASICS Made of Sport EspaĂąol: Estoy hecho de una vida de entrenamiento. No sólo de victorias.

17.2.2012 19:31 | asicsvideo | 2:42 | prohlédnuto: 19560x
El laureado triatleta Jan Frodeno reflexiona sobre el esfuerzo y la determinación que hacen falta para mantenerse en la cima de una disciplina tan exigente.

Cycle Show 2011 Campagnolo

17.2.2012 19:31 | tri247tv | 2:17 | prohlédnuto: 239x
Cycle Show 2011 Campagnolo

Finis Swimsense Test

17.2.2012 19:31 | triessential | 2:10 | prohlédnuto: 229x
We tested the Finis Swimsense watch in the pool. The device was easy to use in the pool. The software worked flawlessly when we uploaded on the training website. The website gave great information about DPS, speed, and the workout itself.

Speedo Fastskin3

17.2.2012 19:31 | speedointernational | 3:58 | prohlédnuto: 90036x

Lance Armstrong, Xterra USA Championship Race Video

17.2.2012 19:32 | sbrvids | 1:23 | prohlédnuto: 15036x Lance Armstrong finished 5th at Xterra USA World Championship in Ogden, Utah. The 7-time Tour de France Winner was a former professional triathlete before entering professional cycling. Video cut together from

Triathlon Bundesliga Hannover 2011 - Musikclip Elite Herren

17.2.2012 19:32 | 360triathlonmagazine | 3:50 | prohlédnuto: 1491x
Triathlon Bundesliga Hannover 2011 - Musikclip Elite Herren

Hy-Vee Tri, Women's Elite Cup 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | scheelsadmin | 0:35 | prohlédnuto: 734x
Scheels sponsored the 2011 Hy-Vee Triathlon, where Lisa Norden of Sweden crossed the finish line in just under two hours to claim the Hy-Vee Triathlon 5150 Elite Cup title, followed by Mirinda Carfrae and Sarah Haskins.

Triathlon Ingolstadt 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | mrbirkenstocki | 3:24 | prohlédnuto: 1100x

Triathlon Bundesliga Grimma 2011 - Musikclip Elite Herren

17.2.2012 19:32 | 360triathlonmagazine | 3:50 | prohlédnuto: 1429x
Triathlon Bundesliga Grimma 2011 - Musikclip Elite Herren

Triatlon pre všetkých 2011 - TV spot

17.2.2012 19:32 | triaxxtv | 0:44 | prohlédnuto: 1750x
Oficiálne promo video Triatlonu pre všetkých 2011. Triatlon je kombináciou plávania, cyklistiky a behu. Triatlon pre všetkých 2011 je v poradí už III. ročník najväčšieho triatlonového podujatia na Slovensku. Zúčastni sa ho aj ty. 27. augusta na Štrkoveckom jazere v Bratislave. Viac info na O tom, že Triatlon pre všetkých je naozaj pre všetkých, sa presvedčte tu. Autor: Miro Vich

Triax akvatlon 2011 - muži výbeh z vody - prenasledovatelia

17.2.2012 19:32 | machinista | 0:29 | prohlédnuto: 202x

Virgin Active London Triathlon 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | tri247tv | 4:28 | prohlédnuto: 2573x
Virgin Active London Triathlon 2011

Oravaman triathlon

17.2.2012 19:32 | oravamantriatlon | 1:36 | prohlédnuto: 349x
The best triathlon in heart of Europe - Orava region, Slovakia. Handle 2k swimming in cold water, 50k bike with steep climbs, mountain run. 2000 metres of elevation gain. Become a tough Orava man. See full version of the video at

Bike Course at 2011 XTERRA World Championship

17.2.2012 19:32 | sbrvids | 2:51 | prohlédnuto: 163x Lance Armstrong, Jan Frodeno, Michael Weiss, Eneko Llanos, Melanie McQuaid and age group athletes at 2011 XTERRA World Championship.

Gatorade Triathlon Series Melb Race 1

17.2.2012 19:32 | firstoffthebike | 5:36 | prohlédnuto: 429x

Life Time Chicago Triathlon 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | dantomei | 2:49 | prohlédnuto: 760x
Life Time Chicago Triathlon 2011 shot and edited by Daniel Tomei

MACCA in Hamburg: "I'm here to win, but I didn't win"

17.2.2012 19:32 | biestmilch | 1:49 | prohlédnuto: 5217x
For sure many of you may have watched the ITU world cup in Hamburg. It's a challenging city course with a lot of corners, and some cobble stones that may become a detrimental factor if it rains. Friday was such a rainy day, but race day was a brilliant hot day in Northern Germany. This was the first ITU race where one could really see the potential Chris has still got for short course races. His performance was consistent, awesome to watch! With Brad Kahlefeldt winning the race, it was all together a great day for Australia, and for Biestmilch.

Mel Rollison's dramatic Noosa finish

17.2.2012 19:32 | firstoffthebike | 0:30 | prohlédnuto: 27181x caught this dramtic finish from 70.3 World Champion Mel Rollison as she won the 2011 edition of the Noosa triathlon.

Natacion EliteMasc Seleccion

17.2.2012 19:32 | fetriatlon2 | 3:15 | prohlédnuto: 52756x
VIDEO DEL CAMPEONATO DE EUROPA DE TRIATLÓN, DONDE SE PUEDE VER EL SEGMENTO DE NATACIÓN COMO EL TRIATLETA GÓMEZ NOYA NO TIENE POSIBILIDAD DE UNIRSE AL GRUPO DE NATACIÓN YA QUE ES EMPUJADO HACIA EL CENTRO DE LA RÍA, ADEMÁS DEL BLOQUEO SUFRIDO A LA SALIDA DEL AGUA. Wiltshire-Noya: Segmento Natación Pontevedra, 26 Junio. La Federación EspaĂąola de Triatlón, una vez visionado el material gráfico del que dispone sobre la prueba Élite Masculina del Campeonato de Europa de Triatlón de Pontevedra y, a pesar de que el deportista Javier Gómez Noya renuncie a realizar reclamación alguna, la FETRI ha decidido personase ante la ITU para realizar un informe del incidente ocurrido en el segmento de natación durante la celebración de la prueba, entre Harry Wiltshire y Javier Gómez Noya, solicitando de manera oficial la suspensión del deportista Harry Wiltshire que mantuvo una actitud en el segmento de natacion, en nuestra opinión antideportiva y reiterativa en perjuicio del triatleta Javier Gómez Noya, cometiendo dicha infracción. En una situación como esta, la Federación considera que deben ser estudiadas y atajadas ejemplarmente. Según palabras del Presidente de la Federación EspaĂąola de Triatlón, José Hidalgo, "no somos partidarios de este tipo de actuaciones, pero una vez vistas las imágenes consideramos que debemos defender a nuestros deportistas de este tipo de acciones" El deportista se retiró posteriormente en el sector ciclista sin finalizar prueba y posteriormente fue descalificado por la actitud observada por los jueces en el sector de natación.

Review TriStar Mallorca 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | stareventsworldwide | 1:56 | prohlédnuto: 1353x
A photo slide review of the inaugural TriStar Mallorca (April 2011), in Portocolom.

TriZell Triathlon in Zell am See

17.2.2012 19:32 | zellamseekaprun | 4:03 | prohlédnuto: 826x Triathlon in Zell am See! And next year we'll host the IRONMAN 70.3 Zell am See-Kaprun too!

XTERRA GERMANY / O-SEE Challenge 2011 - TV Beitrag von Ostsachsen TV

17.2.2012 19:32 | oseechallenge | 19:30 | prohlédnuto: 273x
XTERRA GERMANY / O-SEE Challenge 2011 - XTERRA Europameisterschaft, Deutsche Meisterschaft im Crosstriathlon, XTERRA German Tour und Czech Tour am Olbersdorfer See bei Zittau in Mitten des schönen Naturparks Zittauer Gebirge

Triatlonová videa, tříděná

Speedo Aquacoach set-up guide

17.2.2012 19:32 | speedointernational | 2:17 | prohlédnuto: 10219x
Your guide to setting up your Speedo Aquacoach.

Speedo Aquabeat

17.2.2012 19:32 | proswimru | 1:13 | prohlédnuto: 289x

Breaststroke - Single-Stroke Streamline

17.2.2012 19:32 | goswim098 | 1:38 | prohlédnuto: 16102x
Teaching young swimmers to "finish the process" of each stroke of breaststroke is the beginning of a long journey of stroke building.

Kraulová obrátka - pohled ve vodě

17.2.2012 19:32 | usa24usa | 2:58 | prohlédnuto: 1989x

Sobotní škola kraulu Etriatlon - plavání pokročilejší

17.2.2012 19:32 | etriatlon | 0:33 | prohlédnuto: 1431x
Jednodenní kemp plavání s cílem naučit nebo zdokonalovat plavecký způsob kraul. Sport Training Center Etriatlon Team

Technika plavani, vikendovy kemp pro dospele, skola kraulu

17.2.2012 19:32 | etriatlon | 1:09 | prohlédnuto: 1359x

TJ Šumperk plavecký trénink

17.2.2012 19:32 | lysakradek | 3:46 | prohlédnuto: 256x

Rozhovor s reprezentačním trenérem Neuwirtem

17.2.2012 19:32 | 84vlk | 11:05 | prohlédnuto: 491x
Rozhovor s reprezentačním trenérem Neuwirtem V Brně 2.4.2011

Go Swim Dryland Training

17.2.2012 19:32 | goswim098 | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 6470x
At Pine Crest Swim Camp, finding a simple dryland routine that anyone (except me) can do. Enjoy

Víkendový kemp plavání v Chrudimi

17.2.2012 19:32 | etriatlon | 0:16 | prohlédnuto: 1888x
Natáčení pod hladinou. Rozbory techniky plavání kraul

Mack Horton talks about his 1500m Free record

17.2.2012 19:32 | swimmingaustralialtd | 2:03 | prohlédnuto: 1812x
2011 Australian Age Swimming Championships - Adelaide

World Aquatics Ch 2011: Swimming, Men's 1500 m freestyle, heat

17.2.2012 19:32 | kovi421 | 5:28 | prohlédnuto: 2128x
Vizes VB 2011, Úszás férfi 1500m gyorsúszás, előfutam Kis Gergő (továbbjutott)

MSS: World Championships Analysis, Day One

17.2.2012 19:32 | swimmingworldtv | 14:26 | prohlédnuto: 365x
July 24, 2011: John Lohn and Peter Busch kick off eight days of special editions of The Morning Swim Show with analysis of the competition on the first day of pool swimming at the FINA world championships. The Australian's victory in the men's 400 freestyle relay starts the conversation, then segues into a deeper look into the Americans' performances on the men's and women's sides. From there, Lohn and Busch discuss each of the events swum in finals, including Cesar Cielo's triumph in the semifinals of the 50 butterfly, Dana Vollmer's success in the 100 butterfly semifinals and Tae-Hwan Park's victory in the 400 freestyle.

Natacion EliteMasc Seleccion

17.2.2012 19:32 | fetriatlon2 | 3:15 | prohlédnuto: 52756x
VIDEO DEL CAMPEONATO DE EUROPA DE TRIATLÓN, DONDE SE PUEDE VER EL SEGMENTO DE NATACIÓN COMO EL TRIATLETA GÓMEZ NOYA NO TIENE POSIBILIDAD DE UNIRSE AL GRUPO DE NATACIÓN YA QUE ES EMPUJADO HACIA EL CENTRO DE LA RÍA, ADEMÁS DEL BLOQUEO SUFRIDO A LA SALIDA DEL AGUA. Wiltshire-Noya: Segmento Natación Pontevedra, 26 Junio. La Federación EspaĂąola de Triatlón, una vez visionado el material gráfico del que dispone sobre la prueba Élite Masculina del Campeonato de Europa de Triatlón de Pontevedra y, a pesar de que el deportista Javier Gómez Noya renuncie a realizar reclamación alguna, la FETRI ha decidido personase ante la ITU para realizar un informe del incidente ocurrido en el segmento de natación durante la celebración de la prueba, entre Harry Wiltshire y Javier Gómez Noya, solicitando de manera oficial la suspensión del deportista Harry Wiltshire que mantuvo una actitud en el segmento de natacion, en nuestra opinión antideportiva y reiterativa en perjuicio del triatleta Javier Gómez Noya, cometiendo dicha infracción. En una situación como esta, la Federación considera que deben ser estudiadas y atajadas ejemplarmente. Según palabras del Presidente de la Federación EspaĂąola de Triatlón, José Hidalgo, "no somos partidarios de este tipo de actuaciones, pero una vez vistas las imágenes consideramos que debemos defender a nuestros deportistas de este tipo de acciones" El deportista se retiró posteriormente en el sector ciclista sin finalizar prueba y posteriormente fue descalificado por la actitud observada por los jueces en el sector de natación.

MACCA in Hamburg: "I'm here to win, but I didn't win"

17.2.2012 19:32 | biestmilch | 1:49 | prohlédnuto: 5217x
For sure many of you may have watched the ITU world cup in Hamburg. It's a challenging city course with a lot of corners, and some cobble stones that may become a detrimental factor if it rains. Friday was such a rainy day, but race day was a brilliant hot day in Northern Germany. This was the first ITU race where one could really see the potential Chris has still got for short course races. His performance was consistent, awesome to watch! With Brad Kahlefeldt winning the race, it was all together a great day for Australia, and for Biestmilch.

Oravaman triathlon

17.2.2012 19:32 | oravamantriatlon | 1:36 | prohlédnuto: 349x
The best triathlon in heart of Europe - Orava region, Slovakia. Handle 2k swimming in cold water, 50k bike with steep climbs, mountain run. 2000 metres of elevation gain. Become a tough Orava man. See full version of the video at

Triathlon Bundesliga Grimma 2011 - Musikclip Elite Herren

17.2.2012 19:32 | 360triathlonmagazine | 3:50 | prohlédnuto: 1429x
Triathlon Bundesliga Grimma 2011 - Musikclip Elite Herren

Gatorade Triathlon Series Melb Race 1

17.2.2012 19:32 | firstoffthebike | 5:36 | prohlédnuto: 429x

Virgin Active London Triathlon 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | tri247tv | 4:28 | prohlédnuto: 2573x
Virgin Active London Triathlon 2011

Triatlon pre všetkých 2011 - TV spot

17.2.2012 19:32 | triaxxtv | 0:44 | prohlédnuto: 1750x
Oficiálne promo video Triatlonu pre všetkých 2011. Triatlon je kombináciou plávania, cyklistiky a behu. Triatlon pre všetkých 2011 je v poradí už III. ročník najväčšieho triatlonového podujatia na Slovensku. Zúčastni sa ho aj ty. 27. augusta na Štrkoveckom jazere v Bratislave. Viac info na O tom, že Triatlon pre všetkých je naozaj pre všetkých, sa presvedčte tu. Autor: Miro Vich

Life Time Chicago Triathlon 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | dantomei | 2:49 | prohlédnuto: 760x
Life Time Chicago Triathlon 2011 shot and edited by Daniel Tomei

Triax akvatlon 2011 - muži výbeh z vody - prenasledovatelia

17.2.2012 19:32 | machinista | 0:29 | prohlédnuto: 202x

TriZell Triathlon in Zell am See

17.2.2012 19:32 | zellamseekaprun | 4:03 | prohlédnuto: 826x Triathlon in Zell am See! And next year we'll host the IRONMAN 70.3 Zell am See-Kaprun too!

Triathlon Ingolstadt 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | mrbirkenstocki | 3:24 | prohlédnuto: 1100x

Hy-Vee Tri, Women's Elite Cup 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | scheelsadmin | 0:35 | prohlédnuto: 734x
Scheels sponsored the 2011 Hy-Vee Triathlon, where Lisa Norden of Sweden crossed the finish line in just under two hours to claim the Hy-Vee Triathlon 5150 Elite Cup title, followed by Mirinda Carfrae and Sarah Haskins.

Triathlon Bundesliga Hannover 2011 - Musikclip Elite Herren

17.2.2012 19:32 | 360triathlonmagazine | 3:50 | prohlédnuto: 1491x
Triathlon Bundesliga Hannover 2011 - Musikclip Elite Herren

Lance Armstrong, Xterra USA Championship Race Video

17.2.2012 19:32 | sbrvids | 1:23 | prohlédnuto: 15036x Lance Armstrong finished 5th at Xterra USA World Championship in Ogden, Utah. The 7-time Tour de France Winner was a former professional triathlete before entering professional cycling. Video cut together from

XTERRA GERMANY / O-SEE Challenge 2011 - TV Beitrag von Ostsachsen TV

17.2.2012 19:32 | oseechallenge | 19:30 | prohlédnuto: 273x
XTERRA GERMANY / O-SEE Challenge 2011 - XTERRA Europameisterschaft, Deutsche Meisterschaft im Crosstriathlon, XTERRA German Tour und Czech Tour am Olbersdorfer See bei Zittau in Mitten des schönen Naturparks Zittauer Gebirge

Review TriStar Mallorca 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | stareventsworldwide | 1:56 | prohlédnuto: 1353x
A photo slide review of the inaugural TriStar Mallorca (April 2011), in Portocolom.

Mel Rollison's dramatic Noosa finish

17.2.2012 19:32 | firstoffthebike | 0:30 | prohlédnuto: 27181x caught this dramtic finish from 70.3 World Champion Mel Rollison as she won the 2011 edition of the Noosa triathlon.

Bike Course at 2011 XTERRA World Championship

17.2.2012 19:32 | sbrvids | 2:51 | prohlédnuto: 163x Lance Armstrong, Jan Frodeno, Michael Weiss, Eneko Llanos, Melanie McQuaid and age group athletes at 2011 XTERRA World Championship.

58-Second Series: Best Run Transition

17.2.2012 19:31 | markallenonline | 0:58 | prohlédnuto: 3226x
Transitions are critical for saving time in a triathlon, and planning out your transition is the key to doing this fast. Here is a great way to approach your transition onto the run.

Top 6 Stretching Exercises

17.2.2012 19:31 | activedotcom | 8:08 | prohlédnuto: 1283543x
Dave demonstrates six key stretching exercises to help enhance your range of motion and prevent injury. hosts the world's largest directory of sports and recreational activities, facilities, venues and classes, which includes more than 66,000 races, leagues, tournaments, camps and other recreational listings in over 80 sports and 5,000 cities all at

Freestyle Breathing with Michael Phelps, Katie Hoff, & Bob Bowman

17.2.2012 19:31 | theswimchannel | 3:20 | prohlédnuto: 142638x
Coach Bob Bowman explains about breathing techniques while swimming freestyle. Personal Best Freestyle is a groundbreaking swimming instructional video starring Olympic sensations Michael Phelps and Katie Hoff. To purchase the full DVD go here

Great freestyle swimming tip

17.2.2012 19:31 | strokedoctorswims | 1:39 | prohlédnuto: 856772x
Extend your stroke as you go to air to achieve greater distance per stroke, which is what elite swimmers do.

Grant Hackett Swimming Technique

17.2.2012 19:31 | jbiltonbtinternet | 0:08 | prohlédnuto: 341480x
Under water shot of Grant Hackett's front crawl technique

Fast Transitioning Swim to Bike

17.2.2012 19:31 | activedotcom | 2:34 | prohlédnuto: 69905x
Improve your T1 time by mastering Dave Scott's Techniques.'s thriving online community features original content and lively message boards with thousands of topics of interest to active individuals. Additionally, members can create personal profiles, share videos, post comments, ratings and more all at

Atlete Haile Gebrselassie Reveal part 1 CNN

17.2.2012 19:31 | abeyou | 8:14 | prohlédnuto: 261298x
Ethiopian long distance track and road running athlete. Known for his remarkable versatility, Gebrselassie achieved major competition wins at distances between 1500 metres and marathon, moving from outdoor, indoor and cross country running to road running in the latter part of his career. He has broken 25 world records and won numerous Olympic and World Championship titles, and is widely considered one of the greatest distance runners in history.

Craig Alexander & Chris Lieto - Running Technique Analysis by Kinetic Revolution

17.2.2012 19:31 | runningrevolution | 10:52 | prohlédnuto: 4530x
James Dunne from Kinetic Revolution provides a running technique video analysis, identifying the key technique factors which enable Craig "Crowie" Alexander to remain strong and effective on the Ironman marathon. Using Chris Lieto as a real-time comparison. For more information visit Footage from Kona 2009.

Team United Bakeries Styrketips 16-18

17.2.2012 19:31 | teamunitedbakeries | 1:15 | prohlédnuto: 5733x
Disse tre øvelsene kan settes sammen i en sirkel. 10 pü hver, 3 runder.

Triathlete Magazine TRX Running Lunge 2

17.2.2012 19:31 | triathlete | 1:04 | prohlédnuto: 457x
Triathlete Magazine TRX Running Lunge 2

Styrketrening for syklister 3

17.2.2012 19:31 | teamunitedbakeries | 1:12 | prohlédnuto: 178x

Stupid Rollers Tricks

17.2.2012 19:31 | marcofanelli | 5:19 | prohlédnuto: 428240x
A dork rides the rollers.

Dryland - Medball Chest Pass

17.2.2012 19:31 | goswim098 | 2:11 | prohlédnuto: 4550x
Working on the power necessary to increase your quickness in the recovery of breaststroke, as well as increasing your overall strength can be accomplished through a fun dryland exercise. Remember, whenever using medicine balls, extreme care and focus needs to be taken to make sure nobody gets hurt. Have a count, or during a competition, make sure the eyes aren't taken off the ball until a winner is established. These exercises should also be done under the supervision of a coach. Why do it: Throwing a weighted ball helps to incease the explosive power that sometimes gets overlooked or under developed in swimming. How to do it: 1) Grab a medball of a weight that's correct for the athletes you'll be working with, 6-8 pounds was good for these two athletes. 2) The athletes will be seated, with the feet raised off the floor. Initially, position the feet about 12-18 inches apart whlie raised. Practice tossing the ball back and forth. 3) Move the athletes closer so their feet are nearly touching. This is to make sure the passes can be more accurate. 4) Aim the all at the other athletes chest, trying to hit them squarely centered. Make sure the throw comes from both hands equally, and not shifting to one side. 5) Do sets of 10 throws various times, increasing the intensity of the throws. How to do it really well (the fine points): To really make this a great exercise, incorporate a competition. Who can stay balanced the longest while trying to knock your competitor off balance. Throwing the ball back with greater force, throwing it back quickly before the competition can regain their balance, or sheer endurnace will determine the winner. You'll find when done correctly, this exercise will not only work the power in the arms, but the abs and hip flexors as well. Enjoy, and be safe.

All Strokes - Physio Ball Dryland IM

17.2.2012 19:31 | goswim098 | 2:22 | prohlédnuto: 8411x
This week's drill features some different and fun ways to use a physio ball to work on technique for all your strokes. Why Do It: Fast hands and high elbows are two of the most important concepts in swimming, but are sometimes hard to grasp while you're swimming. Practicing your strokes on land while bouncing a physio ball can help you get a better idea of what's needed in the water. How to Do It: 1. Grab a physio ball and start dribbling, just like you would with a basketball. Left hand...right hand...left...right...left...right. 2. Once you get a rhythm, start adding a freestyle stroke...without breaking your rhythm. 3. Try for a high-elbow recovery...and make sure you're finishing your stroke at the back. 4. Try 10 to 20 strokes of free, then go back to dribbling left, right, left right. 5. To get ready for butterfly, start dribbling the ball with both hands at the same time. 6. Find your rhythm, then add a butterfly stroke...without breaking your rhythm. Try for a straight-arm recovery, and you've gotta be quick. Don't let your hands or arms get stuck at any point. 7. Try 10 strokes of fly, then go back to bouncing left, right, left, right. 8. Get ready for breaststroke, dribbling both hands at once. 9. Then go for it. Breaststroke with the physio ball requires super-fast hand speed. 10. Get the speed, then build the technique with nice high elbows. 11. Return to left, right, left right, then hold the physio ball with both hands for backstroke. 12. Plant your feet, lean back slightly, and swing the ball down and up...side to side. 13. Work the hips and obliques. You'll also feel it in your thighs. 14. Visualize a bent-arm pull that pushes a massive amount of water toward the other end of the pool. How to Do It Really Well (the Fine Points): Try the sequence several times, becoming more and more aware of your technique rather than just hitting the ball. Quick hands and high elbows are key in all these movements.

Soustředění Srní 2012

17.2.2012 19:31 | czetriatlon | 3:46 | prohlédnuto: 1149x
Soustředění české juniorské a K23 reprezentace v triatlonu na šumavském Srní v lednu 2012.

Butterfly - Extra Kick Fly

17.2.2012 19:31 | goswim098 | 1:38 | prohlédnuto: 4123x
Here's a simple butterfly drill that incorporates a few wonderful aspects... relaxation and the opportunity to work on timing. Why do it: If you need to work on a longer butterfly, this drill is great. If you need a bit more work on your lungs, this drill is great. If you need to discover the timing of your second kick, this drill is great. How to do it: 1) The drill is simple, swim butterfly, but after the hands land in front, throw in a couple extra kicks. 2) When you're planning on staying under longer (which is sometimes necessary for masters swimmers to slow rate down), you'll automatically dive a bit deeper on your entry. The longer path you'll discover can be more comfortable for longer butterfly swims. 3) You're going to be underwater longer, so it's easy to turn this into a semi-hypoxic training set. 4) The extra time you spend underwater, will allow you to plan on "kicking your hands out" to work on that 2nd kick of your regular fly. How to do it really well (the fine points): When you're learning, or when you want to train this, throw on some fins, or just try to go faster. Also, try to get your head down and in line with your body during the underwater portion.

Freestyle - Sneaking Up On Air

17.2.2012 19:31 | goswim098 | 1:32 | prohlédnuto: 2455x
Here's a quick and simple drill to help you build a low breath in freestyle. Why Do It: Staying low when you breathe helps you avoid popping up and falling down during your breath. It also ensures that your energy is used to go forward and not up. How to Do It: 1. Start with some simple front balance. Both arms down to your sides. 2. Progress to front balance with both arms forward, position 11. 3. Initiate a pull back with one arm, while keeping the head still. 4. Now, as the arm pulls, roll over to air. How to Do It Really Well (the Fine Points): If you're still popping up, aim low. Actually aim to roll over UNDER the surface and then slowly sneak up toward air. Rather than popping up to air, learn to sneak up on it so your body stays in a better line longer.

FINIS Dryland Cords: Swim Conditioning Outside The Pool

17.2.2012 19:31 | finisswim | 1:21 | prohlédnuto: 701x Resistance workouts are a vital aspect of swim training and conditioning. The Dryland Cords are made with durable rubber tubing and comfortable handles. Attaching to an anchor point, the Dryland Cords allow swimmers to train outside the water and stimulate swimming motions. The cords isolate important muscles and enhance a swimmer's speed and endurance while building strength and a better range of motion. The Dryland Cords are appropriate for swimmers of all ages and abilities and come in three different resistances. The cords are also a great tool to combat injury and maintain strength in the off season. Visit FINIS at

Speedo Fastskin3

17.2.2012 19:31 | speedointernational | 3:58 | prohlédnuto: 90036x

FINIS Sculling Paddles: Improve Stroke Catch and Build Muscle Memory

17.2.2012 19:31 | finisswim | 5:17 | prohlédnuto: 573x
Sculling Paddles are shorter swimming paddles that cover the fingers instead of the entire hand. The shorter design allows swimmers to focus on sculling technique and maintain the feel of the water against their hands. The paddles heighten stroke awareness and emphasize stroke imperfections, making it easier to identify and correct technique. Sculling Paddles are a great way to build forearm and finger strength by accentuating the entire stroke from entry to finish. The smaller design also minimizes pressure put on shoulders, avoiding potential injury that can be caused by traditional paddles. The Sculling Paddles can be worn during any swim stroke, and are available in a Jr size.

The FINIS Swimsense is the Key to Tracking and Improving your Swim Performance

17.2.2012 19:31 | finisswim | 0:47 | prohlédnuto: 2798x
The SwimsenseŽ (Powered by SportSense™) is a groundbreaking training tool, which captures critical performance data. The monitor straps onto the wrist like a watch and uses accelerometers, magnetometers and patent-pending proprietary algorithms to identify your swim. Analyze your performance on the device with pace times, distance (meters/yards/laps), stroke count, stroke rate, distance-per-stroke and calories burned across all four major strokes. Performance data can then be uploaded to the FINISŽ SwimsenseŽ Training Log for additional analysis and historical review. The SwimsenseŽ Performance Monitor provides a revolutionary degree of information, which is key to tracking and improving your swim performance.

How To Pack a Triathlon Bike

17.2.2012 19:31 | sbrvids | 2:28 | prohlédnuto: 364x - Original Content by Dave Erickson Media. How To Pack a Triathlon Bike for Ironman 70.3 California 2011 -Swimming, Cycling, Running, Triathlon, Sprint Triathlon, Olympic Triathlon, 70.3 Triathlon, Ironman Triathlon, Swimming Videos, Cycling Videos, Running Videos, Athlete Interviews,

Swimsuits 2011 Preview

17.2.2012 19:31 | triathlete | 1:08 | prohlédnuto: 870x
Swimsuits 2011 Preview

First in Flanders.m4v

17.2.2012 19:31 | zippspeed | 2:41 | prohlédnuto: 1480x
The Zipp 303 is the classics wheel that changed everything. The first carbon wheel to win the Tour of Flanders and Paris Roubaix in a single season, the 303 went on to conquer the toughest stage of the 2010 Tour before repeating at Flanders in 2011.

aerodrink hydration system, from Profile Design

17.2.2012 19:31 | profiledesign2009 | 0:17 | prohlédnuto: 5191x
Aerobar mounted hydration system, from Profile Design

Cycle Show 2011 Campagnolo

17.2.2012 19:31 | tri247tv | 2:17 | prohlédnuto: 239x
Cycle Show 2011 Campagnolo

Introducing the Garmin Forerunner 910XT

17.2.2012 19:31 | garminblog | 1:43 | prohlédnuto: 65839x
Here's a quick look at Garmin's new Forerunner 910XT multisport training watch. The only all-in-one GPS-enabled device that provides detailed swim metrics and tracks distance, speed/pace, elevation and heart rate for running and cycling.

ASICS Made of Sport EspaĂąol: Estoy hecho de una vida de entrenamiento. No sólo de victorias.

17.2.2012 19:31 | asicsvideo | 2:42 | prohlédnuto: 19560x
El laureado triatleta Jan Frodeno reflexiona sobre el esfuerzo y la determinación que hacen falta para mantenerse en la cima de una disciplina tan exigente.

ForerunnerŽ 910XT: Swim metrics

17.2.2012 19:31 | garminblog | 2:22 | prohlédnuto: 22293x
ForerunnerŽ 910XT is Garmin's first fitness device to offer detailed swim metrics, including distance, efficiency, stroke type and more.

ForerunnerŽ 910XT: Multisport Features

17.2.2012 19:31 | garminblog | 2:14 | prohlédnuto: 9431x
Learn how to use ForerunnerŽ 910XT's multisport features for your training and racing.

Finis Swimsense Test

17.2.2012 19:31 | triessential | 2:10 | prohlédnuto: 229x
We tested the Finis Swimsense watch in the pool. The device was easy to use in the pool. The software worked flawlessly when we uploaded on the training website. The website gave great information about DPS, speed, and the workout itself.

Mor. Budějovice - 6/2011 - triatlon muži- vyhlášení

17.2.2012 19:31 | vcabel | 7:47 | prohlédnuto: 59x

Osecký triatlon 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | tvlipnik | 18:51 | prohlédnuto: 468x
TV uvádí: Osecký triatlon 2011, Osecký Jadran V sobotu 2. července 2011 se konal u Oseckého Jadranu již 4. ročník závodu Osecký triatlon, v letošním roce s podtitulem Dojdi a ukaž co je v tobě! Závod se skládal ze tří disciplín -- plavání (650 m), cyklistika (25 km) a běh (6 km). Závodníci byli rozděleni na několik kategorií -- muži a ženy, a dále podle věku. V tomto zkráceném sestřihu videozáznamu máte možnost zhlédnout průběh závodu. Článek a fotogalerii z této akce naleznete na

Doksyman 2

17.2.2012 19:31 | dvlan | 11:47 | prohlédnuto: 315x
Triatlon na břehu Máchova jezera zvládli organizátoři na jedničku.

Doksyman 2010 - atmosfera

17.2.2012 19:31 | ttiimmlp | 2:03 | prohlédnuto: 974x
Doksyman 2010 - fanynka...

Hanácké pohár v triatlonu 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | zdimalpavel | 0:44 | prohlédnuto: 158x

Větřkovický triatlon 2011 (bez hudby)

17.2.2012 19:31 | horskekolo | 9:59 | prohlédnuto: 199x
Video ze závodu z neděle 28.8.2011. Více info na -

Chlumecký triatlonek 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | petrhoryna | 4:27 | prohlédnuto: 188x
Chlumecký triatlonek 2011, Chárovna 27.8.2011 Autoři videa: Redaktor: Lucie Podobská, kamera: Pavla Mendřická, střih: Luděk Vondrouš Výsledky zde:

JVP TV: Triatlon - Pozvánka na závody XTERRA Zlatá stezka 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | regionalnitelevize | 6:12 | prohlédnuto: 57x
Organizátor Michal Piloušek zve na letošní závody v triatlonu XTERRA Zlatá stezka 2011

Kysucký Ultra Triatlon

17.2.2012 19:31 | junior13244 | 5:09 | prohlédnuto: 2294x
je to tu...(jsem jeden z nejlepších tanečníků disko!) ..ak máš nejaký ultimátny hajafaja nápad pre podobné koniny, určo pošli správu niekomu z produkčného tímu! Ak chceš aby sme prišli vystupovať do Kultúrneho domu v tvojej obci, posielal prázdne SMSky do sútaže od Resanky.. a hlavne: kupuj svrčinovské jogurty (na vlastnú zodpovednosť!).

TV Blansko: Blanenský plecháč

17.2.2012 19:31 | regionalnitelevize | 4:31 | prohlédnuto: 46x
Tradiční triatlonový závod proběhl v Blansku 29. května.

Doksyman 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 6:20 | prohlédnuto: 842x
Doksyman 2011 -- triatlon -- 1,9 km plavání, 90 km kolo, 21 km běh. Poloviční ironman Máchově jezeře. Do cíle dorazilo 168 závodníků. Zvítězili Petr Vabroušek a Simona Vykoukalová. Free Royalty Free Music by

Kokos Triatlon 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | standabog | 10:16 | prohlédnuto: 30x
Triatlonový závod v Březíně i za účasti členů HOŘOVICE TEAMU.


17.2.2012 19:31 | ledmultimediatv | 0:16 | prohlédnuto: 111x
Velká cena energetické společnosti E.ON v triatlonu Český a evropský pohár / mistrovství ČR Tábor 31.7.2011

Otrokovice: Mistrem ČR v triatlonu je opět Petr Vabroušek

17.2.2012 19:31 | tvslovacko1 | 2:05 | prohlédnuto: 145x

Duatlon Klasik Příbram Ford CZECHMAN TOUR 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | tvfonka | 6:08 | prohlédnuto: 227x
Klasik Duatlon Přibram 6.závod seriálu FORD CZECHMAN TOUR 2011 mistrovství ČR v dlouhém duatlonu dospělých Vložené dětské závody ve sprit MTB duatlonu ředitel Ing. Petr Švarc

Horský off road duatlon Okolo Visalají

17.2.2012 19:31 | skybedy | 5:27 | prohlédnuto: 180x
Horský off road duatlon Okolo Visalají.

Triathlon Melnik 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | bondmelnik | 5:20 | prohlédnuto: 478x
Mistrovství republiky ve sprint triatlonu, 23.07.2011, Mělník. Kompilace foto-video. Plavání na pískovně Baraba. Závod snímala i Česká televize.

2011 Hawaii Ironman, Craig Alexander, Improving over last year?

17.2.2012 19:31 | sbrvids | 2:08 | prohlédnuto: 2497x - Craig Alexander at the 2011 Ford Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii. Pro Press conference, asked what he needs to do to improve over last year?

2011 Kona Chrissie Wellington Finish Line

17.2.2012 19:31 | watchtyr | 7:16 | prohlédnuto: 1550x
My First Project

2011 KONA Alexander wins

17.2.2012 19:31 | watchtyr | 0:54 | prohlédnuto: 499x

Ford Ironman World Championship 2011 - české stopy v Koně

17.2.2012 19:31 | skybedy | 4:45 | prohlédnuto: 1013x
Ford Ironman World Championship 2011 - české stopy v Koně

IRONMAN Hawaii 2011 - Bike Part

17.2.2012 19:31 | nopogobiker | 7:28 | prohlédnuto: 7805x

The Kona Legacy - 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | ironmantriathlon | 1:34 | prohlédnuto: 9804x

Recap of the 2010 Ironman Florida

17.2.2012 19:31 | ironmantriathlon | 1:11 | prohlédnuto: 1397x

Craig Alexander Interview, 2010 Ironman 70.3 Boise

17.2.2012 19:31 | sbrvids | 4:11 | prohlédnuto: 42x - Craig Alexander Interview before the 2010 Ironman 70.3 Boise triathlon with Dave Erickson. "Sprint Triathlon" "Olympic Triathlon" "70.3 Triathlon" "Ironman Triathlon" "Swimming Videos" "Cycling Videos" "Running Videos" "Athlete Interviews" "Dave Erickson" "Ironman Triathlon Reporter'

Chrissie Wellington Tri Harder Launch

17.2.2012 19:31 | tri247tv | 2:39 | prohlédnuto: 526x
Chrissie Wellington Tri Harder Launch 2

On Assignment Ironman 70.3 Panama: Lance Armstrong Exclusive Post Race Interview

17.2.2012 19:31 | ironmantriathlon | 2:08 | prohlédnuto: 23044x
On Assignment reporter Dave Erickson and IronmanLIVE's Kevin Mackinnon caught up with Lance after his 2nd place finish at Ironman 70.3 Panama for an exclusive post race interview.

On Assignment Ironman 70.3 Panama: Lance Armstrong Official Run Course Footage

17.2.2012 19:31 | ironmantriathlon | 1:24 | prohlédnuto: 37318x
On Assignment Ironman 70.3 Panama: Lance Armstrong Official Run Course Footage

Rasmus on getting Lanced

17.2.2012 19:31 | triathlete | 0:32 | prohlédnuto: 78x
Rasmus on getting Lanced

Bevan Docherty interview

17.2.2012 19:31 | triathlete | 2:50 | prohlédnuto: 128x
Bevan Docherty interview

7. října 2011 7:16

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:54 | prohlédnuto: 143x
Toto video bylo nahráno z telefonu se systémem Android

Dave 2011 11 18 074549

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:47 | prohlédnuto: 30x

David 11 Nov 2011 07:04

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:40 | prohlédnuto: 19x

roman 9 Nov 2011 06:57

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:50 | prohlédnuto: 34x

david horni pohled vysvetleno proc mu nejde plavat

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 80x


17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:39 | prohlédnuto: 6x

david po změně

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:25 | prohlédnuto: 61x

david zpomalene 01

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 3:15 | prohlédnuto: 57x

radovan pomalu zezadu

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:46 | prohlédnuto: 25x

lenka zezadu pomalu

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:38 | prohlédnuto: 18x

david pomalu zezadu

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 1:15 | prohlédnuto: 11x

Olivier Marceau speaks TriStar

7.9.2011 11:59 | StarEventsWorldwide | 0:56 | prohlédnuto: 116x
Olivier Marceau during the official press conference of the TriStar111 Monaco 2011.

All3motion Hollie Avil

7.9.2011 11:59 | velomotionmk | 2:07 | prohlédnuto: 1026x
Hollie Avil's bike fit @ All3motion Retul bike fit studio, on her new Boardman Air time trial bike.

2011 Titanium Man Triathlon

7.9.2011 11:59 | SBRVIDS | 5:21 | prohlédnuto: 210x - Original Content by Dave Erickson Media at 2011 Titanium Man Olympic Triathlon in Kennewick, Washington.

Women at the finish line of the TriStar111 Monaco 2011

7.9.2011 11:59 | StarEventsWorldwide | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 298x
Top 3 Women at the finsish line of the TriStar111 Monaco 2011. After swimming, there was a woman on the second place in the overall standings: Britain's Catherine Jameson. In the bike segment French triathlete Johanna Daumas (4:17:28) won a comfortable lead of 5 minutes over the Irish Eimear Mullan in a very strong rhythm, which was somewhat reduced in the line next to the Casino and the legendary Café Paris of Monte Carlo. Barbara Braches from Switzerland finished third. "I am very happy for this victory, I had to fight hard, especially after a day as complicated for the rain on the bike, and for the course which has been very demanding" said Daumas.

IRONMAN Frankfurt 2011

8.8.2011 10:22 | Wilhelmi3 | 11:32 | prohlédnuto: 8526x
Bild/Film Video / weitere Fotos sind unter zu sehen.

TriZell Triathlon in Zell am See

6.8.2011 13:11 | zellamseekaprun | 4:03 | prohlédnuto: 826x Triathlon in Zell am See! And next year we'll host the IRONMAN 70.3 Zell am See-Kaprun too!

Smashed arm finishes lake placid ironman 2011 15;27 hours

6.8.2011 08:19 | peerfishlax | 0:21 | prohlédnuto: 1399x
Video uploaded from my phone.

Triax akvatlon 2011 - muži výbeh z vody - prenasledovatelia

29.7.2011 20:57 | machinista | 0:29 | prohlédnuto: 202x

World Aquatics Ch 2011: Swimming, Men's 200 m breaststroke, heat

28.7.2011 18:48 | Kovi421 | 2:28 | prohlédnuto: 567x
Vizes VB 2011, Úszás férfi 200m mellúszás, előfutam Molnár Ákos (továbbjutott)

Go Swim Dryland Training

24.7.2011 20:04 | goswim098 | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 6470x
At Pine Crest Swim Camp, finding a simple dryland routine that anyone (except me) can do. Enjoy

Go Swim Dryland Training

21.7.2011 10:59 | goswim098 | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 6470x
At Pine Crest Swim Camp, finding a simple dryland routine that anyone (except me) can do. Enjoy

MACCA in Hamburg: "I'm here to win, but I didn't win"

21.7.2011 10:57 | biestmilch | 1:49 | prohlédnuto: 5217x
For sure many of you may have watched the ITU world cup in Hamburg. It's a challenging city course with a lot of corners, and some cobble stones that may become a detrimental factor if it rains. Friday was such a rainy day, but race day was a brilliant hot day in Northern Germany. This was the first ITU race where one could really see the potential Chris has still got for short course races. His performance was consistent, awesome to watch! With Brad Kahlefeldt winning the race, it was all together a great day for Australia, and for Biestmilch.

FINIS Sculling Paddles: Improve Stroke Catch and Build Muscle Memory

20.7.2011 10:25 | FINISswim | 5:17 | prohlédnuto: 573x
Sculling Paddles are shorter swimming paddles that cover the fingers instead of the entire hand. The shorter design allows swimmers to focus on sculling technique and maintain the feel of the water against their hands. The paddles heighten stroke awareness and emphasize stroke imperfections, making it easier to identify and correct technique. Sculling Paddles are a great way to build forearm and finger strength by accentuating the entire stroke from entry to finish. The smaller design also minimizes pressure put on shoulders, avoiding potential injury that can be caused by traditional paddles. The Sculling Paddles can be worn during any swim stroke, and are available in a Jr size.

Top 11 Pro Men 2010 Hawaii Ironman

20.7.2011 10:24 | SBRVIDS | 5:05 | prohlédnuto: 172x - Original Content by Dave Erickson Media. Swimming, Cycling, Running, Triathlon, Sprint Triathlon, Olympic Triathlon, 70.3 Triathlon, Ironman Triathlon, Swimming Videos, Cycling Videos, Running Videos, Athlete Interviews, Top 11 Pro Men Hawaii Ironman 2010

Triathlete and Olympian Matt Reed talks about racing Ironman in 2011

18.7.2011 15:35 | romanmica | 2:32 | prohlédnuto: 1717x
( ) Matty Reed has spent much of his professional triathlon career racing Olympic distance races. But last year he stuck his toe in the Ironman pool by racing his first Ironman race in Arizona. This year Reed is now returning back to the longer distance races by trying to qualify for a Kona slot. We recently had the chance to catch up with Matt at the 2011 Boulder Peak Triathlon and ask him about his race plans for the rest of 2011

How To Pack a Triathlon Bike

17.7.2011 21:38 | SBRVIDS | 2:28 | prohlédnuto: 364x - Original Content by Dave Erickson Media. How To Pack a Triathlon Bike for Ironman 70.3 California 2011 -Swimming, Cycling, Running, Triathlon, Sprint Triathlon, Olympic Triathlon, 70.3 Triathlon, Ironman Triathlon, Swimming Videos, Cycling Videos, Running Videos, Athlete Interviews,

Andreas Talks About Breaking A World Record

15.7.2011 17:04 | triathlete | 0:45 | prohlédnuto: 555x
Without support from his brother Michael, Andreas Raelert may not have broken the record.


15.7.2011 17:01 | 360triathlonmagazine | 0:58 | prohlédnuto: 144x

The FINIS Swimsense is the Key to Tracking and Improving your Swim Performance

15.7.2011 11:03 | FINISswim | 0:47 | prohlédnuto: 2798x
The SwimsenseŽ (Powered by SportSense™) is a groundbreaking training tool, which captures critical performance data. The monitor straps onto the wrist like a watch and uses accelerometers, magnetometers and patent-pending proprietary algorithms to identify your swim. Analyze your performance on the device with pace times, distance (meters/yards/laps), stroke count, stroke rate, distance-per-stroke and calories burned across all four major strokes. Performance data can then be uploaded to the FINISŽ SwimsenseŽ Training Log for additional analysis and historical review. The SwimsenseŽ Performance Monitor provides a revolutionary degree of information, which is key to tracking and improving your swim performance.

Raelert Brothers Training Day Part 2

14.7.2011 12:07 | kswissinc | 4:50 | prohlédnuto: 26734x
The Raelert Brothers - Michael Raelert and Andreas Raelert don't take a challenge lightly. The duo's training week continues on during the early hours in Spain. Follow their journey.

Training Log: Raelert Brothers Canary Islands Training Camp

14.7.2011 12:06 | triathlete | 0:42 | prohlédnuto: 3340x
Michael and Andreas Raelert take you inside their morning training run at Las Playitas in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. This morning's workout consisted of a hilly 20km run.

Chrissie on her WR at challenge Roth

14.7.2011 12:06 | triathlete | 2:30 | prohlédnuto: 678x
Great Britain's Chrissie Wellington earned her third-straight victory at Challenge Roth in the same way she's done in each of the last two years, with a new world record. Wellington's reported time of 8:18:13 breaks her own 2010 world record by exactly one minute. Her final time was the combination of a 49:49 swim, 4:40:39 bike and a 2:44:35 marathon.

Dr. Andy Pruitt - A Brief History of BCSM, Fitting and Specialized BG Fit

13.7.2011 17:30 | specialized411 | 11:05 | prohlédnuto: 1904x
Specialized has worked with Dr. Andy Pruitt for over a decade to develop products and services based on his work at the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine. Here Dr. Pruitt offers some insight to what brought him to create BCSM, how he started working with Specialized and why the Specialized Body Geometry products and Specialized BG Fit training are so important to cyclists.

Challenge Roth 2011 - Race Coverage

13.7.2011 17:29 | triaguide | 19:52 | prohlédnuto: 13649x war mit dabei bei der Jubiläumsveranstaltung des Challenge Roth. Seht hier unseren 20-minütigen Rennbericht vom neuen Weltredkord im Langdistanz-Triathlon.

Top 6 Stretching Exercises

17.2.2012 19:31 | activedotcom | 8:08 | prohlédnuto: 1283543x
Dave demonstrates six key stretching exercises to help enhance your range of motion and prevent injury. hosts the world's largest directory of sports and recreational activities, facilities, venues and classes, which includes more than 66,000 races, leagues, tournaments, camps and other recreational listings in over 80 sports and 5,000 cities all at

Great freestyle swimming tip

17.2.2012 19:31 | strokedoctorswims | 1:39 | prohlédnuto: 856772x
Extend your stroke as you go to air to achieve greater distance per stroke, which is what elite swimmers do.

Stupid Rollers Tricks

17.2.2012 19:31 | marcofanelli | 5:19 | prohlédnuto: 428240x
A dork rides the rollers.

Grant Hackett Swimming Technique

17.2.2012 19:31 | jbiltonbtinternet | 0:08 | prohlédnuto: 341480x
Under water shot of Grant Hackett's front crawl technique

Atlete Haile Gebrselassie Reveal part 1 CNN

17.2.2012 19:31 | abeyou | 8:14 | prohlédnuto: 261298x
Ethiopian long distance track and road running athlete. Known for his remarkable versatility, Gebrselassie achieved major competition wins at distances between 1500 metres and marathon, moving from outdoor, indoor and cross country running to road running in the latter part of his career. He has broken 25 world records and won numerous Olympic and World Championship titles, and is widely considered one of the greatest distance runners in history.

Freestyle Breathing with Michael Phelps, Katie Hoff, & Bob Bowman

17.2.2012 19:31 | theswimchannel | 3:20 | prohlédnuto: 142638x
Coach Bob Bowman explains about breathing techniques while swimming freestyle. Personal Best Freestyle is a groundbreaking swimming instructional video starring Olympic sensations Michael Phelps and Katie Hoff. To purchase the full DVD go here

Speedo Fastskin3

17.2.2012 19:31 | speedointernational | 3:58 | prohlédnuto: 90036x

Fast Transitioning Swim to Bike

17.2.2012 19:31 | activedotcom | 2:34 | prohlédnuto: 69905x
Improve your T1 time by mastering Dave Scott's Techniques.'s thriving online community features original content and lively message boards with thousands of topics of interest to active individuals. Additionally, members can create personal profiles, share videos, post comments, ratings and more all at

Introducing the Garmin Forerunner 910XT

17.2.2012 19:31 | garminblog | 1:43 | prohlédnuto: 65839x
Here's a quick look at Garmin's new Forerunner 910XT multisport training watch. The only all-in-one GPS-enabled device that provides detailed swim metrics and tracks distance, speed/pace, elevation and heart rate for running and cycling.

Natacion EliteMasc Seleccion

17.2.2012 19:32 | fetriatlon2 | 3:15 | prohlédnuto: 52756x
VIDEO DEL CAMPEONATO DE EUROPA DE TRIATLÓN, DONDE SE PUEDE VER EL SEGMENTO DE NATACIÓN COMO EL TRIATLETA GÓMEZ NOYA NO TIENE POSIBILIDAD DE UNIRSE AL GRUPO DE NATACIÓN YA QUE ES EMPUJADO HACIA EL CENTRO DE LA RÍA, ADEMÁS DEL BLOQUEO SUFRIDO A LA SALIDA DEL AGUA. Wiltshire-Noya: Segmento Natación Pontevedra, 26 Junio. La Federación EspaĂąola de Triatlón, una vez visionado el material gráfico del que dispone sobre la prueba Élite Masculina del Campeonato de Europa de Triatlón de Pontevedra y, a pesar de que el deportista Javier Gómez Noya renuncie a realizar reclamación alguna, la FETRI ha decidido personase ante la ITU para realizar un informe del incidente ocurrido en el segmento de natación durante la celebración de la prueba, entre Harry Wiltshire y Javier Gómez Noya, solicitando de manera oficial la suspensión del deportista Harry Wiltshire que mantuvo una actitud en el segmento de natacion, en nuestra opinión antideportiva y reiterativa en perjuicio del triatleta Javier Gómez Noya, cometiendo dicha infracción. En una situación como esta, la Federación considera que deben ser estudiadas y atajadas ejemplarmente. Según palabras del Presidente de la Federación EspaĂąola de Triatlón, José Hidalgo, "no somos partidarios de este tipo de actuaciones, pero una vez vistas las imágenes consideramos que debemos defender a nuestros deportistas de este tipo de acciones" El deportista se retiró posteriormente en el sector ciclista sin finalizar prueba y posteriormente fue descalificado por la actitud observada por los jueces en el sector de natación.

On Assignment Ironman 70.3 Panama: Lance Armstrong Official Run Course Footage

17.2.2012 19:31 | ironmantriathlon | 1:24 | prohlédnuto: 37318x
On Assignment Ironman 70.3 Panama: Lance Armstrong Official Run Course Footage

Mel Rollison's dramatic Noosa finish

17.2.2012 19:32 | firstoffthebike | 0:30 | prohlédnuto: 27181x caught this dramtic finish from 70.3 World Champion Mel Rollison as she won the 2011 edition of the Noosa triathlon.

Raelert Brothers Training Day Part 2

14.7.2011 12:07 | kswissinc | 4:50 | prohlédnuto: 26734x
The Raelert Brothers - Michael Raelert and Andreas Raelert don't take a challenge lightly. The duo's training week continues on during the early hours in Spain. Follow their journey.

On Assignment Ironman 70.3 Panama: Lance Armstrong Exclusive Post Race Interview

17.2.2012 19:31 | ironmantriathlon | 2:08 | prohlédnuto: 23044x
On Assignment reporter Dave Erickson and IronmanLIVE's Kevin Mackinnon caught up with Lance after his 2nd place finish at Ironman 70.3 Panama for an exclusive post race interview.

ForerunnerŽ 910XT: Swim metrics

17.2.2012 19:31 | garminblog | 2:22 | prohlédnuto: 22293x
ForerunnerŽ 910XT is Garmin's first fitness device to offer detailed swim metrics, including distance, efficiency, stroke type and more.

ASICS Made of Sport EspaĂąol: Estoy hecho de una vida de entrenamiento. No sólo de victorias.

17.2.2012 19:31 | asicsvideo | 2:42 | prohlédnuto: 19560x
El laureado triatleta Jan Frodeno reflexiona sobre el esfuerzo y la determinación que hacen falta para mantenerse en la cima de una disciplina tan exigente.

Breaststroke - Single-Stroke Streamline

17.2.2012 19:32 | goswim098 | 1:38 | prohlédnuto: 16102x
Teaching young swimmers to "finish the process" of each stroke of breaststroke is the beginning of a long journey of stroke building.

Lance Armstrong, Xterra USA Championship Race Video

17.2.2012 19:32 | sbrvids | 1:23 | prohlédnuto: 15036x Lance Armstrong finished 5th at Xterra USA World Championship in Ogden, Utah. The 7-time Tour de France Winner was a former professional triathlete before entering professional cycling. Video cut together from

Challenge Roth 2011 - Race Coverage

13.7.2011 17:29 | triaguide | 19:52 | prohlédnuto: 13649x war mit dabei bei der Jubiläumsveranstaltung des Challenge Roth. Seht hier unseren 20-minütigen Rennbericht vom neuen Weltredkord im Langdistanz-Triathlon.

Speedo Aquacoach set-up guide

17.2.2012 19:32 | speedointernational | 2:17 | prohlédnuto: 10219x
Your guide to setting up your Speedo Aquacoach.

The Kona Legacy - 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | ironmantriathlon | 1:34 | prohlédnuto: 9804x

ForerunnerŽ 910XT: Multisport Features

17.2.2012 19:31 | garminblog | 2:14 | prohlédnuto: 9431x
Learn how to use ForerunnerŽ 910XT's multisport features for your training and racing.

IRONMAN Frankfurt 2011

8.8.2011 10:22 | Wilhelmi3 | 11:32 | prohlédnuto: 8526x
Bild/Film Video / weitere Fotos sind unter zu sehen.

All Strokes - Physio Ball Dryland IM

17.2.2012 19:31 | goswim098 | 2:22 | prohlédnuto: 8411x
This week's drill features some different and fun ways to use a physio ball to work on technique for all your strokes. Why Do It: Fast hands and high elbows are two of the most important concepts in swimming, but are sometimes hard to grasp while you're swimming. Practicing your strokes on land while bouncing a physio ball can help you get a better idea of what's needed in the water. How to Do It: 1. Grab a physio ball and start dribbling, just like you would with a basketball. Left hand...right hand...left...right...left...right. 2. Once you get a rhythm, start adding a freestyle stroke...without breaking your rhythm. 3. Try for a high-elbow recovery...and make sure you're finishing your stroke at the back. 4. Try 10 to 20 strokes of free, then go back to dribbling left, right, left right. 5. To get ready for butterfly, start dribbling the ball with both hands at the same time. 6. Find your rhythm, then add a butterfly stroke...without breaking your rhythm. Try for a straight-arm recovery, and you've gotta be quick. Don't let your hands or arms get stuck at any point. 7. Try 10 strokes of fly, then go back to bouncing left, right, left, right. 8. Get ready for breaststroke, dribbling both hands at once. 9. Then go for it. Breaststroke with the physio ball requires super-fast hand speed. 10. Get the speed, then build the technique with nice high elbows. 11. Return to left, right, left right, then hold the physio ball with both hands for backstroke. 12. Plant your feet, lean back slightly, and swing the ball down and up...side to side. 13. Work the hips and obliques. You'll also feel it in your thighs. 14. Visualize a bent-arm pull that pushes a massive amount of water toward the other end of the pool. How to Do It Really Well (the Fine Points): Try the sequence several times, becoming more and more aware of your technique rather than just hitting the ball. Quick hands and high elbows are key in all these movements.

IRONMAN Hawaii 2011 - Bike Part

17.2.2012 19:31 | nopogobiker | 7:28 | prohlédnuto: 7805x

Go Swim Dryland Training

21.7.2011 10:59 | goswim098 | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 6470x
At Pine Crest Swim Camp, finding a simple dryland routine that anyone (except me) can do. Enjoy

Go Swim Dryland Training

24.7.2011 20:04 | goswim098 | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 6470x
At Pine Crest Swim Camp, finding a simple dryland routine that anyone (except me) can do. Enjoy

Go Swim Dryland Training

17.2.2012 19:32 | goswim098 | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 6470x
At Pine Crest Swim Camp, finding a simple dryland routine that anyone (except me) can do. Enjoy

Team United Bakeries Styrketips 16-18

17.2.2012 19:31 | teamunitedbakeries | 1:15 | prohlédnuto: 5733x
Disse tre øvelsene kan settes sammen i en sirkel. 10 pü hver, 3 runder.

MACCA in Hamburg: "I'm here to win, but I didn't win"

21.7.2011 10:57 | biestmilch | 1:49 | prohlédnuto: 5217x
For sure many of you may have watched the ITU world cup in Hamburg. It's a challenging city course with a lot of corners, and some cobble stones that may become a detrimental factor if it rains. Friday was such a rainy day, but race day was a brilliant hot day in Northern Germany. This was the first ITU race where one could really see the potential Chris has still got for short course races. His performance was consistent, awesome to watch! With Brad Kahlefeldt winning the race, it was all together a great day for Australia, and for Biestmilch.

MACCA in Hamburg: "I'm here to win, but I didn't win"

17.2.2012 19:32 | biestmilch | 1:49 | prohlédnuto: 5217x
For sure many of you may have watched the ITU world cup in Hamburg. It's a challenging city course with a lot of corners, and some cobble stones that may become a detrimental factor if it rains. Friday was such a rainy day, but race day was a brilliant hot day in Northern Germany. This was the first ITU race where one could really see the potential Chris has still got for short course races. His performance was consistent, awesome to watch! With Brad Kahlefeldt winning the race, it was all together a great day for Australia, and for Biestmilch.

aerodrink hydration system, from Profile Design

17.2.2012 19:31 | profiledesign2009 | 0:17 | prohlédnuto: 5191x
Aerobar mounted hydration system, from Profile Design

Dryland - Medball Chest Pass

17.2.2012 19:31 | goswim098 | 2:11 | prohlédnuto: 4550x
Working on the power necessary to increase your quickness in the recovery of breaststroke, as well as increasing your overall strength can be accomplished through a fun dryland exercise. Remember, whenever using medicine balls, extreme care and focus needs to be taken to make sure nobody gets hurt. Have a count, or during a competition, make sure the eyes aren't taken off the ball until a winner is established. These exercises should also be done under the supervision of a coach. Why do it: Throwing a weighted ball helps to incease the explosive power that sometimes gets overlooked or under developed in swimming. How to do it: 1) Grab a medball of a weight that's correct for the athletes you'll be working with, 6-8 pounds was good for these two athletes. 2) The athletes will be seated, with the feet raised off the floor. Initially, position the feet about 12-18 inches apart whlie raised. Practice tossing the ball back and forth. 3) Move the athletes closer so their feet are nearly touching. This is to make sure the passes can be more accurate. 4) Aim the all at the other athletes chest, trying to hit them squarely centered. Make sure the throw comes from both hands equally, and not shifting to one side. 5) Do sets of 10 throws various times, increasing the intensity of the throws. How to do it really well (the fine points): To really make this a great exercise, incorporate a competition. Who can stay balanced the longest while trying to knock your competitor off balance. Throwing the ball back with greater force, throwing it back quickly before the competition can regain their balance, or sheer endurnace will determine the winner. You'll find when done correctly, this exercise will not only work the power in the arms, but the abs and hip flexors as well. Enjoy, and be safe.

Craig Alexander & Chris Lieto - Running Technique Analysis by Kinetic Revolution

17.2.2012 19:31 | runningrevolution | 10:52 | prohlédnuto: 4530x
James Dunne from Kinetic Revolution provides a running technique video analysis, identifying the key technique factors which enable Craig "Crowie" Alexander to remain strong and effective on the Ironman marathon. Using Chris Lieto as a real-time comparison. For more information visit Footage from Kona 2009.

Butterfly - Extra Kick Fly

17.2.2012 19:31 | goswim098 | 1:38 | prohlédnuto: 4123x
Here's a simple butterfly drill that incorporates a few wonderful aspects... relaxation and the opportunity to work on timing. Why do it: If you need to work on a longer butterfly, this drill is great. If you need a bit more work on your lungs, this drill is great. If you need to discover the timing of your second kick, this drill is great. How to do it: 1) The drill is simple, swim butterfly, but after the hands land in front, throw in a couple extra kicks. 2) When you're planning on staying under longer (which is sometimes necessary for masters swimmers to slow rate down), you'll automatically dive a bit deeper on your entry. The longer path you'll discover can be more comfortable for longer butterfly swims. 3) You're going to be underwater longer, so it's easy to turn this into a semi-hypoxic training set. 4) The extra time you spend underwater, will allow you to plan on "kicking your hands out" to work on that 2nd kick of your regular fly. How to do it really well (the fine points): When you're learning, or when you want to train this, throw on some fins, or just try to go faster. Also, try to get your head down and in line with your body during the underwater portion.

Training Log: Raelert Brothers Canary Islands Training Camp

14.7.2011 12:06 | triathlete | 0:42 | prohlédnuto: 3340x
Michael and Andreas Raelert take you inside their morning training run at Las Playitas in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. This morning's workout consisted of a hilly 20km run.

58-Second Series: Best Run Transition

17.2.2012 19:31 | markallenonline | 0:58 | prohlédnuto: 3226x
Transitions are critical for saving time in a triathlon, and planning out your transition is the key to doing this fast. Here is a great way to approach your transition onto the run.

The FINIS Swimsense is the Key to Tracking and Improving your Swim Performance

17.2.2012 19:31 | finisswim | 0:47 | prohlédnuto: 2798x
The SwimsenseŽ (Powered by SportSense™) is a groundbreaking training tool, which captures critical performance data. The monitor straps onto the wrist like a watch and uses accelerometers, magnetometers and patent-pending proprietary algorithms to identify your swim. Analyze your performance on the device with pace times, distance (meters/yards/laps), stroke count, stroke rate, distance-per-stroke and calories burned across all four major strokes. Performance data can then be uploaded to the FINISŽ SwimsenseŽ Training Log for additional analysis and historical review. The SwimsenseŽ Performance Monitor provides a revolutionary degree of information, which is key to tracking and improving your swim performance.

The FINIS Swimsense is the Key to Tracking and Improving your Swim Performance

15.7.2011 11:03 | FINISswim | 0:47 | prohlédnuto: 2798x
The SwimsenseŽ (Powered by SportSense™) is a groundbreaking training tool, which captures critical performance data. The monitor straps onto the wrist like a watch and uses accelerometers, magnetometers and patent-pending proprietary algorithms to identify your swim. Analyze your performance on the device with pace times, distance (meters/yards/laps), stroke count, stroke rate, distance-per-stroke and calories burned across all four major strokes. Performance data can then be uploaded to the FINISŽ SwimsenseŽ Training Log for additional analysis and historical review. The SwimsenseŽ Performance Monitor provides a revolutionary degree of information, which is key to tracking and improving your swim performance.

Virgin Active London Triathlon 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | tri247tv | 4:28 | prohlédnuto: 2573x
Virgin Active London Triathlon 2011

2011 Hawaii Ironman, Craig Alexander, Improving over last year?

17.2.2012 19:31 | sbrvids | 2:08 | prohlédnuto: 2497x - Craig Alexander at the 2011 Ford Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii. Pro Press conference, asked what he needs to do to improve over last year?

Freestyle - Sneaking Up On Air

17.2.2012 19:31 | goswim098 | 1:32 | prohlédnuto: 2455x
Here's a quick and simple drill to help you build a low breath in freestyle. Why Do It: Staying low when you breathe helps you avoid popping up and falling down during your breath. It also ensures that your energy is used to go forward and not up. How to Do It: 1. Start with some simple front balance. Both arms down to your sides. 2. Progress to front balance with both arms forward, position 11. 3. Initiate a pull back with one arm, while keeping the head still. 4. Now, as the arm pulls, roll over to air. How to Do It Really Well (the Fine Points): If you're still popping up, aim low. Actually aim to roll over UNDER the surface and then slowly sneak up toward air. Rather than popping up to air, learn to sneak up on it so your body stays in a better line longer.

Kysucký Ultra Triatlon

17.2.2012 19:31 | junior13244 | 5:09 | prohlédnuto: 2294x
je to tu...(jsem jeden z nejlepších tanečníků disko!) ..ak máš nejaký ultimátny hajafaja nápad pre podobné koniny, určo pošli správu niekomu z produkčného tímu! Ak chceš aby sme prišli vystupovať do Kultúrneho domu v tvojej obci, posielal prázdne SMSky do sútaže od Resanky.. a hlavne: kupuj svrčinovské jogurty (na vlastnú zodpovednosť!).

World Aquatics Ch 2011: Swimming, Men's 1500 m freestyle, heat

17.2.2012 19:32 | kovi421 | 5:28 | prohlédnuto: 2128x
Vizes VB 2011, Úszás férfi 1500m gyorsúszás, előfutam Kis Gergő (továbbjutott)

Kraulová obrátka - pohled ve vodě

17.2.2012 19:32 | usa24usa | 2:58 | prohlédnuto: 1989x

Dr. Andy Pruitt - A Brief History of BCSM, Fitting and Specialized BG Fit

13.7.2011 17:30 | specialized411 | 11:05 | prohlédnuto: 1904x
Specialized has worked with Dr. Andy Pruitt for over a decade to develop products and services based on his work at the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine. Here Dr. Pruitt offers some insight to what brought him to create BCSM, how he started working with Specialized and why the Specialized Body Geometry products and Specialized BG Fit training are so important to cyclists.

Víkendový kemp plavání v Chrudimi

17.2.2012 19:32 | etriatlon | 0:16 | prohlédnuto: 1888x
Natáčení pod hladinou. Rozbory techniky plavání kraul

Mack Horton talks about his 1500m Free record

17.2.2012 19:32 | swimmingaustralialtd | 2:03 | prohlédnuto: 1812x
2011 Australian Age Swimming Championships - Adelaide

Triatlon pre všetkých 2011 - TV spot

17.2.2012 19:32 | triaxxtv | 0:44 | prohlédnuto: 1750x
Oficiálne promo video Triatlonu pre všetkých 2011. Triatlon je kombináciou plávania, cyklistiky a behu. Triatlon pre všetkých 2011 je v poradí už III. ročník najväčšieho triatlonového podujatia na Slovensku. Zúčastni sa ho aj ty. 27. augusta na Štrkoveckom jazere v Bratislave. Viac info na O tom, že Triatlon pre všetkých je naozaj pre všetkých, sa presvedčte tu. Autor: Miro Vich

Triathlete and Olympian Matt Reed talks about racing Ironman in 2011

18.7.2011 15:35 | romanmica | 2:32 | prohlédnuto: 1717x
( ) Matty Reed has spent much of his professional triathlon career racing Olympic distance races. But last year he stuck his toe in the Ironman pool by racing his first Ironman race in Arizona. This year Reed is now returning back to the longer distance races by trying to qualify for a Kona slot. We recently had the chance to catch up with Matt at the 2011 Boulder Peak Triathlon and ask him about his race plans for the rest of 2011

2011 Kona Chrissie Wellington Finish Line

17.2.2012 19:31 | watchtyr | 7:16 | prohlédnuto: 1550x
My First Project

Triathlon Bundesliga Hannover 2011 - Musikclip Elite Herren

17.2.2012 19:32 | 360triathlonmagazine | 3:50 | prohlédnuto: 1491x
Triathlon Bundesliga Hannover 2011 - Musikclip Elite Herren

First in Flanders.m4v

17.2.2012 19:31 | zippspeed | 2:41 | prohlédnuto: 1480x
The Zipp 303 is the classics wheel that changed everything. The first carbon wheel to win the Tour of Flanders and Paris Roubaix in a single season, the 303 went on to conquer the toughest stage of the 2010 Tour before repeating at Flanders in 2011.

Sobotní škola kraulu Etriatlon - plavání pokročilejší

17.2.2012 19:32 | etriatlon | 0:33 | prohlédnuto: 1431x
Jednodenní kemp plavání s cílem naučit nebo zdokonalovat plavecký způsob kraul. Sport Training Center Etriatlon Team

Triathlon Bundesliga Grimma 2011 - Musikclip Elite Herren

17.2.2012 19:32 | 360triathlonmagazine | 3:50 | prohlédnuto: 1429x
Triathlon Bundesliga Grimma 2011 - Musikclip Elite Herren

Smashed arm finishes lake placid ironman 2011 15;27 hours

6.8.2011 08:19 | peerfishlax | 0:21 | prohlédnuto: 1399x
Video uploaded from my phone.

Recap of the 2010 Ironman Florida

17.2.2012 19:31 | ironmantriathlon | 1:11 | prohlédnuto: 1397x

Technika plavani, vikendovy kemp pro dospele, skola kraulu

17.2.2012 19:32 | etriatlon | 1:09 | prohlédnuto: 1359x

Review TriStar Mallorca 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | stareventsworldwide | 1:56 | prohlédnuto: 1353x
A photo slide review of the inaugural TriStar Mallorca (April 2011), in Portocolom.

Soustředění Srní 2012

17.2.2012 19:31 | czetriatlon | 3:46 | prohlédnuto: 1149x
Soustředění české juniorské a K23 reprezentace v triatlonu na šumavském Srní v lednu 2012.

Triathlon Ingolstadt 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | mrbirkenstocki | 3:24 | prohlédnuto: 1100x

All3motion Hollie Avil

7.9.2011 11:59 | velomotionmk | 2:07 | prohlédnuto: 1026x
Hollie Avil's bike fit @ All3motion Retul bike fit studio, on her new Boardman Air time trial bike.

Ford Ironman World Championship 2011 - české stopy v Koně

17.2.2012 19:31 | skybedy | 4:45 | prohlédnuto: 1013x
Ford Ironman World Championship 2011 - české stopy v Koně

Doksyman 2010 - atmosfera

17.2.2012 19:31 | ttiimmlp | 2:03 | prohlédnuto: 974x
Doksyman 2010 - fanynka...

Swimsuits 2011 Preview

17.2.2012 19:31 | triathlete | 1:08 | prohlédnuto: 870x
Swimsuits 2011 Preview

Doksyman 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 6:20 | prohlédnuto: 842x
Doksyman 2011 -- triatlon -- 1,9 km plavání, 90 km kolo, 21 km běh. Poloviční ironman Máchově jezeře. Do cíle dorazilo 168 závodníků. Zvítězili Petr Vabroušek a Simona Vykoukalová. Free Royalty Free Music by

TriZell Triathlon in Zell am See

17.2.2012 19:32 | zellamseekaprun | 4:03 | prohlédnuto: 826x Triathlon in Zell am See! And next year we'll host the IRONMAN 70.3 Zell am See-Kaprun too!

TriZell Triathlon in Zell am See

6.8.2011 13:11 | zellamseekaprun | 4:03 | prohlédnuto: 826x Triathlon in Zell am See! And next year we'll host the IRONMAN 70.3 Zell am See-Kaprun too!

Life Time Chicago Triathlon 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | dantomei | 2:49 | prohlédnuto: 760x
Life Time Chicago Triathlon 2011 shot and edited by Daniel Tomei

Hy-Vee Tri, Women's Elite Cup 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | scheelsadmin | 0:35 | prohlédnuto: 734x
Scheels sponsored the 2011 Hy-Vee Triathlon, where Lisa Norden of Sweden crossed the finish line in just under two hours to claim the Hy-Vee Triathlon 5150 Elite Cup title, followed by Mirinda Carfrae and Sarah Haskins.

FINIS Dryland Cords: Swim Conditioning Outside The Pool

17.2.2012 19:31 | finisswim | 1:21 | prohlédnuto: 701x Resistance workouts are a vital aspect of swim training and conditioning. The Dryland Cords are made with durable rubber tubing and comfortable handles. Attaching to an anchor point, the Dryland Cords allow swimmers to train outside the water and stimulate swimming motions. The cords isolate important muscles and enhance a swimmer's speed and endurance while building strength and a better range of motion. The Dryland Cords are appropriate for swimmers of all ages and abilities and come in three different resistances. The cords are also a great tool to combat injury and maintain strength in the off season. Visit FINIS at

Chrissie on her WR at challenge Roth

14.7.2011 12:06 | triathlete | 2:30 | prohlédnuto: 678x
Great Britain's Chrissie Wellington earned her third-straight victory at Challenge Roth in the same way she's done in each of the last two years, with a new world record. Wellington's reported time of 8:18:13 breaks her own 2010 world record by exactly one minute. Her final time was the combination of a 49:49 swim, 4:40:39 bike and a 2:44:35 marathon.

FINIS Sculling Paddles: Improve Stroke Catch and Build Muscle Memory

17.2.2012 19:31 | finisswim | 5:17 | prohlédnuto: 573x
Sculling Paddles are shorter swimming paddles that cover the fingers instead of the entire hand. The shorter design allows swimmers to focus on sculling technique and maintain the feel of the water against their hands. The paddles heighten stroke awareness and emphasize stroke imperfections, making it easier to identify and correct technique. Sculling Paddles are a great way to build forearm and finger strength by accentuating the entire stroke from entry to finish. The smaller design also minimizes pressure put on shoulders, avoiding potential injury that can be caused by traditional paddles. The Sculling Paddles can be worn during any swim stroke, and are available in a Jr size.

FINIS Sculling Paddles: Improve Stroke Catch and Build Muscle Memory

20.7.2011 10:25 | FINISswim | 5:17 | prohlédnuto: 573x
Sculling Paddles are shorter swimming paddles that cover the fingers instead of the entire hand. The shorter design allows swimmers to focus on sculling technique and maintain the feel of the water against their hands. The paddles heighten stroke awareness and emphasize stroke imperfections, making it easier to identify and correct technique. Sculling Paddles are a great way to build forearm and finger strength by accentuating the entire stroke from entry to finish. The smaller design also minimizes pressure put on shoulders, avoiding potential injury that can be caused by traditional paddles. The Sculling Paddles can be worn during any swim stroke, and are available in a Jr size.

World Aquatics Ch 2011: Swimming, Men's 200 m breaststroke, heat

28.7.2011 18:48 | Kovi421 | 2:28 | prohlédnuto: 567x
Vizes VB 2011, Úszás férfi 200m mellúszás, előfutam Molnár Ákos (továbbjutott)

Andreas Talks About Breaking A World Record

15.7.2011 17:04 | triathlete | 0:45 | prohlédnuto: 555x
Without support from his brother Michael, Andreas Raelert may not have broken the record.

Chrissie Wellington Tri Harder Launch

17.2.2012 19:31 | tri247tv | 2:39 | prohlédnuto: 526x
Chrissie Wellington Tri Harder Launch 2

2011 KONA Alexander wins

17.2.2012 19:31 | watchtyr | 0:54 | prohlédnuto: 499x

Rozhovor s reprezentačním trenérem Neuwirtem

17.2.2012 19:32 | 84vlk | 11:05 | prohlédnuto: 491x
Rozhovor s reprezentačním trenérem Neuwirtem V Brně 2.4.2011

Triathlon Melnik 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | bondmelnik | 5:20 | prohlédnuto: 478x
Mistrovství republiky ve sprint triatlonu, 23.07.2011, Mělník. Kompilace foto-video. Plavání na pískovně Baraba. Závod snímala i Česká televize.

Osecký triatlon 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | tvlipnik | 18:51 | prohlédnuto: 468x
TV uvádí: Osecký triatlon 2011, Osecký Jadran V sobotu 2. července 2011 se konal u Oseckého Jadranu již 4. ročník závodu Osecký triatlon, v letošním roce s podtitulem Dojdi a ukaž co je v tobě! Závod se skládal ze tří disciplín -- plavání (650 m), cyklistika (25 km) a běh (6 km). Závodníci byli rozděleni na několik kategorií -- muži a ženy, a dále podle věku. V tomto zkráceném sestřihu videozáznamu máte možnost zhlédnout průběh závodu. Článek a fotogalerii z této akce naleznete na

Triathlete Magazine TRX Running Lunge 2

17.2.2012 19:31 | triathlete | 1:04 | prohlédnuto: 457x
Triathlete Magazine TRX Running Lunge 2

Gatorade Triathlon Series Melb Race 1

17.2.2012 19:32 | firstoffthebike | 5:36 | prohlédnuto: 429x

MSS: World Championships Analysis, Day One

17.2.2012 19:32 | swimmingworldtv | 14:26 | prohlédnuto: 365x
July 24, 2011: John Lohn and Peter Busch kick off eight days of special editions of The Morning Swim Show with analysis of the competition on the first day of pool swimming at the FINA world championships. The Australian's victory in the men's 400 freestyle relay starts the conversation, then segues into a deeper look into the Americans' performances on the men's and women's sides. From there, Lohn and Busch discuss each of the events swum in finals, including Cesar Cielo's triumph in the semifinals of the 50 butterfly, Dana Vollmer's success in the 100 butterfly semifinals and Tae-Hwan Park's victory in the 400 freestyle.

How To Pack a Triathlon Bike

17.7.2011 21:38 | SBRVIDS | 2:28 | prohlédnuto: 364x - Original Content by Dave Erickson Media. How To Pack a Triathlon Bike for Ironman 70.3 California 2011 -Swimming, Cycling, Running, Triathlon, Sprint Triathlon, Olympic Triathlon, 70.3 Triathlon, Ironman Triathlon, Swimming Videos, Cycling Videos, Running Videos, Athlete Interviews,

How To Pack a Triathlon Bike

17.2.2012 19:31 | sbrvids | 2:28 | prohlédnuto: 364x - Original Content by Dave Erickson Media. How To Pack a Triathlon Bike for Ironman 70.3 California 2011 -Swimming, Cycling, Running, Triathlon, Sprint Triathlon, Olympic Triathlon, 70.3 Triathlon, Ironman Triathlon, Swimming Videos, Cycling Videos, Running Videos, Athlete Interviews,

Oravaman triathlon

17.2.2012 19:32 | oravamantriatlon | 1:36 | prohlédnuto: 349x
The best triathlon in heart of Europe - Orava region, Slovakia. Handle 2k swimming in cold water, 50k bike with steep climbs, mountain run. 2000 metres of elevation gain. Become a tough Orava man. See full version of the video at

Doksyman 2

17.2.2012 19:31 | dvlan | 11:47 | prohlédnuto: 315x
Triatlon na břehu Máchova jezera zvládli organizátoři na jedničku.

Women at the finish line of the TriStar111 Monaco 2011

7.9.2011 11:59 | StarEventsWorldwide | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 298x
Top 3 Women at the finsish line of the TriStar111 Monaco 2011. After swimming, there was a woman on the second place in the overall standings: Britain's Catherine Jameson. In the bike segment French triathlete Johanna Daumas (4:17:28) won a comfortable lead of 5 minutes over the Irish Eimear Mullan in a very strong rhythm, which was somewhat reduced in the line next to the Casino and the legendary Café Paris of Monte Carlo. Barbara Braches from Switzerland finished third. "I am very happy for this victory, I had to fight hard, especially after a day as complicated for the rain on the bike, and for the course which has been very demanding" said Daumas.

Speedo Aquabeat

17.2.2012 19:32 | proswimru | 1:13 | prohlédnuto: 289x

XTERRA GERMANY / O-SEE Challenge 2011 - TV Beitrag von Ostsachsen TV

17.2.2012 19:32 | oseechallenge | 19:30 | prohlédnuto: 273x
XTERRA GERMANY / O-SEE Challenge 2011 - XTERRA Europameisterschaft, Deutsche Meisterschaft im Crosstriathlon, XTERRA German Tour und Czech Tour am Olbersdorfer See bei Zittau in Mitten des schönen Naturparks Zittauer Gebirge

TJ Šumperk plavecký trénink

17.2.2012 19:32 | lysakradek | 3:46 | prohlédnuto: 256x

Cycle Show 2011 Campagnolo

17.2.2012 19:31 | tri247tv | 2:17 | prohlédnuto: 239x
Cycle Show 2011 Campagnolo

Finis Swimsense Test

17.2.2012 19:31 | triessential | 2:10 | prohlédnuto: 229x
We tested the Finis Swimsense watch in the pool. The device was easy to use in the pool. The software worked flawlessly when we uploaded on the training website. The website gave great information about DPS, speed, and the workout itself.

Duatlon Klasik Příbram Ford CZECHMAN TOUR 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | tvfonka | 6:08 | prohlédnuto: 227x
Klasik Duatlon Přibram 6.závod seriálu FORD CZECHMAN TOUR 2011 mistrovství ČR v dlouhém duatlonu dospělých Vložené dětské závody ve sprit MTB duatlonu ředitel Ing. Petr Švarc

2011 Titanium Man Triathlon

7.9.2011 11:59 | SBRVIDS | 5:21 | prohlédnuto: 210x - Original Content by Dave Erickson Media at 2011 Titanium Man Olympic Triathlon in Kennewick, Washington.

Triax akvatlon 2011 - muži výbeh z vody - prenasledovatelia

29.7.2011 20:57 | machinista | 0:29 | prohlédnuto: 202x

Triax akvatlon 2011 - muži výbeh z vody - prenasledovatelia

17.2.2012 19:32 | machinista | 0:29 | prohlédnuto: 202x

Větřkovický triatlon 2011 (bez hudby)

17.2.2012 19:31 | horskekolo | 9:59 | prohlédnuto: 199x
Video ze závodu z neděle 28.8.2011. Více info na -

Chlumecký triatlonek 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | petrhoryna | 4:27 | prohlédnuto: 188x
Chlumecký triatlonek 2011, Chárovna 27.8.2011 Autoři videa: Redaktor: Lucie Podobská, kamera: Pavla Mendřická, střih: Luděk Vondrouš Výsledky zde:

Horský off road duatlon Okolo Visalají

17.2.2012 19:31 | skybedy | 5:27 | prohlédnuto: 180x
Horský off road duatlon Okolo Visalají.

Styrketrening for syklister 3

17.2.2012 19:31 | teamunitedbakeries | 1:12 | prohlédnuto: 178x

Top 11 Pro Men 2010 Hawaii Ironman

20.7.2011 10:24 | SBRVIDS | 5:05 | prohlédnuto: 172x - Original Content by Dave Erickson Media. Swimming, Cycling, Running, Triathlon, Sprint Triathlon, Olympic Triathlon, 70.3 Triathlon, Ironman Triathlon, Swimming Videos, Cycling Videos, Running Videos, Athlete Interviews, Top 11 Pro Men Hawaii Ironman 2010

Bike Course at 2011 XTERRA World Championship

17.2.2012 19:32 | sbrvids | 2:51 | prohlédnuto: 163x Lance Armstrong, Jan Frodeno, Michael Weiss, Eneko Llanos, Melanie McQuaid and age group athletes at 2011 XTERRA World Championship.

Hanácké pohár v triatlonu 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | zdimalpavel | 0:44 | prohlédnuto: 158x

Otrokovice: Mistrem ČR v triatlonu je opět Petr Vabroušek

17.2.2012 19:31 | tvslovacko1 | 2:05 | prohlédnuto: 145x


15.7.2011 17:01 | 360triathlonmagazine | 0:58 | prohlédnuto: 144x

7. října 2011 7:16

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:54 | prohlédnuto: 143x
Toto video bylo nahráno z telefonu se systémem Android

Bevan Docherty interview

17.2.2012 19:31 | triathlete | 2:50 | prohlédnuto: 128x
Bevan Docherty interview

Olivier Marceau speaks TriStar

7.9.2011 11:59 | StarEventsWorldwide | 0:56 | prohlédnuto: 116x
Olivier Marceau during the official press conference of the TriStar111 Monaco 2011.


17.2.2012 19:31 | ledmultimediatv | 0:16 | prohlédnuto: 111x
Velká cena energetické společnosti E.ON v triatlonu Český a evropský pohár / mistrovství ČR Tábor 31.7.2011

david horni pohled vysvetleno proc mu nejde plavat

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 80x

Rasmus on getting Lanced

17.2.2012 19:31 | triathlete | 0:32 | prohlédnuto: 78x
Rasmus on getting Lanced

david po změně

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:25 | prohlédnuto: 61x

Mor. Budějovice - 6/2011 - triatlon muži- vyhlášení

17.2.2012 19:31 | vcabel | 7:47 | prohlédnuto: 59x

JVP TV: Triatlon - Pozvánka na závody XTERRA Zlatá stezka 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | regionalnitelevize | 6:12 | prohlédnuto: 57x
Organizátor Michal Piloušek zve na letošní závody v triatlonu XTERRA Zlatá stezka 2011

david zpomalene 01

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 3:15 | prohlédnuto: 57x

TV Blansko: Blanenský plecháč

17.2.2012 19:31 | regionalnitelevize | 4:31 | prohlédnuto: 46x
Tradiční triatlonový závod proběhl v Blansku 29. května.

Craig Alexander Interview, 2010 Ironman 70.3 Boise

17.2.2012 19:31 | sbrvids | 4:11 | prohlédnuto: 42x - Craig Alexander Interview before the 2010 Ironman 70.3 Boise triathlon with Dave Erickson. "Sprint Triathlon" "Olympic Triathlon" "70.3 Triathlon" "Ironman Triathlon" "Swimming Videos" "Cycling Videos" "Running Videos" "Athlete Interviews" "Dave Erickson" "Ironman Triathlon Reporter'

roman 9 Nov 2011 06:57

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:50 | prohlédnuto: 34x

Kokos Triatlon 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | standabog | 10:16 | prohlédnuto: 30x
Triatlonový závod v Březíně i za účasti členů HOŘOVICE TEAMU.

Dave 2011 11 18 074549

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:47 | prohlédnuto: 30x

radovan pomalu zezadu

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:46 | prohlédnuto: 25x

David 11 Nov 2011 07:04

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:40 | prohlédnuto: 19x

lenka zezadu pomalu

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:38 | prohlédnuto: 18x

david pomalu zezadu

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 1:15 | prohlédnuto: 11x


17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:39 | prohlédnuto: 6x

MACCA in Hamburg: "I'm here to win, but I didn't win"

21.7.2011 10:57 | biestmilch | 1:49 | prohlédnuto: 5217x
For sure many of you may have watched the ITU world cup in Hamburg. It's a challenging city course with a lot of corners, and some cobble stones that may become a detrimental factor if it rains. Friday was such a rainy day, but race day was a brilliant hot day in Northern Germany. This was the first ITU race where one could really see the potential Chris has still got for short course races. His performance was consistent, awesome to watch! With Brad Kahlefeldt winning the race, it was all together a great day for Australia, and for Biestmilch.

Oravaman triathlon

17.2.2012 19:32 | oravamantriatlon | 1:36 | prohlédnuto: 349x
The best triathlon in heart of Europe - Orava region, Slovakia. Handle 2k swimming in cold water, 50k bike with steep climbs, mountain run. 2000 metres of elevation gain. Become a tough Orava man. See full version of the video at

Raelert Brothers Training Day Part 2

14.7.2011 12:07 | kswissinc | 4:50 | prohlédnuto: 26734x
The Raelert Brothers - Michael Raelert and Andreas Raelert don't take a challenge lightly. The duo's training week continues on during the early hours in Spain. Follow their journey.

Training Log: Raelert Brothers Canary Islands Training Camp

14.7.2011 12:06 | triathlete | 0:42 | prohlédnuto: 3340x
Michael and Andreas Raelert take you inside their morning training run at Las Playitas in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. This morning's workout consisted of a hilly 20km run.

Doksyman 2

17.2.2012 19:31 | dvlan | 11:47 | prohlédnuto: 315x
Triatlon na břehu Máchova jezera zvládli organizátoři na jedničku.

Dr. Andy Pruitt - A Brief History of BCSM, Fitting and Specialized BG Fit

13.7.2011 17:30 | specialized411 | 11:05 | prohlédnuto: 1904x
Specialized has worked with Dr. Andy Pruitt for over a decade to develop products and services based on his work at the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine. Here Dr. Pruitt offers some insight to what brought him to create BCSM, how he started working with Specialized and why the Specialized Body Geometry products and Specialized BG Fit training are so important to cyclists.

Challenge Roth 2011 - Race Coverage

13.7.2011 17:29 | triaguide | 19:52 | prohlédnuto: 13649x war mit dabei bei der Jubiläumsveranstaltung des Challenge Roth. Seht hier unseren 20-minütigen Rennbericht vom neuen Weltredkord im Langdistanz-Triathlon.

Triathlete and Olympian Matt Reed talks about racing Ironman in 2011

18.7.2011 15:35 | romanmica | 2:32 | prohlédnuto: 1717x
( ) Matty Reed has spent much of his professional triathlon career racing Olympic distance races. But last year he stuck his toe in the Ironman pool by racing his first Ironman race in Arizona. This year Reed is now returning back to the longer distance races by trying to qualify for a Kona slot. We recently had the chance to catch up with Matt at the 2011 Boulder Peak Triathlon and ask him about his race plans for the rest of 2011

Andreas Talks About Breaking A World Record

15.7.2011 17:04 | triathlete | 0:45 | prohlédnuto: 555x
Without support from his brother Michael, Andreas Raelert may not have broken the record.

Chrissie on her WR at challenge Roth

14.7.2011 12:06 | triathlete | 2:30 | prohlédnuto: 678x
Great Britain's Chrissie Wellington earned her third-straight victory at Challenge Roth in the same way she's done in each of the last two years, with a new world record. Wellington's reported time of 8:18:13 breaks her own 2010 world record by exactly one minute. Her final time was the combination of a 49:49 swim, 4:40:39 bike and a 2:44:35 marathon.

Triathlon Bundesliga Grimma 2011 - Musikclip Elite Herren

17.2.2012 19:32 | 360triathlonmagazine | 3:50 | prohlédnuto: 1429x
Triathlon Bundesliga Grimma 2011 - Musikclip Elite Herren

FINIS Sculling Paddles: Improve Stroke Catch and Build Muscle Memory

17.2.2012 19:31 | finisswim | 5:17 | prohlédnuto: 573x
Sculling Paddles are shorter swimming paddles that cover the fingers instead of the entire hand. The shorter design allows swimmers to focus on sculling technique and maintain the feel of the water against their hands. The paddles heighten stroke awareness and emphasize stroke imperfections, making it easier to identify and correct technique. Sculling Paddles are a great way to build forearm and finger strength by accentuating the entire stroke from entry to finish. The smaller design also minimizes pressure put on shoulders, avoiding potential injury that can be caused by traditional paddles. The Sculling Paddles can be worn during any swim stroke, and are available in a Jr size.

Doksyman 2010 - atmosfera

17.2.2012 19:31 | ttiimmlp | 2:03 | prohlédnuto: 974x
Doksyman 2010 - fanynka...

Hanácké pohár v triatlonu 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | zdimalpavel | 0:44 | prohlédnuto: 158x

58-Second Series: Best Run Transition

17.2.2012 19:31 | markallenonline | 0:58 | prohlédnuto: 3226x
Transitions are critical for saving time in a triathlon, and planning out your transition is the key to doing this fast. Here is a great way to approach your transition onto the run.

The FINIS Swimsense is the Key to Tracking and Improving your Swim Performance

15.7.2011 11:03 | FINISswim | 0:47 | prohlédnuto: 2798x
The SwimsenseŽ (Powered by SportSense™) is a groundbreaking training tool, which captures critical performance data. The monitor straps onto the wrist like a watch and uses accelerometers, magnetometers and patent-pending proprietary algorithms to identify your swim. Analyze your performance on the device with pace times, distance (meters/yards/laps), stroke count, stroke rate, distance-per-stroke and calories burned across all four major strokes. Performance data can then be uploaded to the FINISŽ SwimsenseŽ Training Log for additional analysis and historical review. The SwimsenseŽ Performance Monitor provides a revolutionary degree of information, which is key to tracking and improving your swim performance.

Mack Horton talks about his 1500m Free record

17.2.2012 19:32 | swimmingaustralialtd | 2:03 | prohlédnuto: 1812x
2011 Australian Age Swimming Championships - Adelaide

Speedo Aquacoach set-up guide

17.2.2012 19:32 | speedointernational | 2:17 | prohlédnuto: 10219x
Your guide to setting up your Speedo Aquacoach.

Speedo Aquabeat

17.2.2012 19:32 | proswimru | 1:13 | prohlédnuto: 289x

Kraulová obrátka - pohled ve vodě

17.2.2012 19:32 | usa24usa | 2:58 | prohlédnuto: 1989x

Technika plavani, vikendovy kemp pro dospele, skola kraulu

17.2.2012 19:32 | etriatlon | 1:09 | prohlédnuto: 1359x

TJ Šumperk plavecký trénink

17.2.2012 19:32 | lysakradek | 3:46 | prohlédnuto: 256x

Virgin Active London Triathlon 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | tri247tv | 4:28 | prohlédnuto: 2573x
Virgin Active London Triathlon 2011

Triatlon pre všetkých 2011 - TV spot

17.2.2012 19:32 | triaxxtv | 0:44 | prohlédnuto: 1750x
Oficiálne promo video Triatlonu pre všetkých 2011. Triatlon je kombináciou plávania, cyklistiky a behu. Triatlon pre všetkých 2011 je v poradí už III. ročník najväčšieho triatlonového podujatia na Slovensku. Zúčastni sa ho aj ty. 27. augusta na Štrkoveckom jazere v Bratislave. Viac info na O tom, že Triatlon pre všetkých je naozaj pre všetkých, sa presvedčte tu. Autor: Miro Vich

Life Time Chicago Triathlon 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | dantomei | 2:49 | prohlédnuto: 760x
Life Time Chicago Triathlon 2011 shot and edited by Daniel Tomei

World Aquatics Ch 2011: Swimming, Men's 1500 m freestyle, heat

17.2.2012 19:32 | kovi421 | 5:28 | prohlédnuto: 2128x
Vizes VB 2011, Úszás férfi 1500m gyorsúszás, előfutam Kis Gergő (továbbjutott)

MSS: World Championships Analysis, Day One

17.2.2012 19:32 | swimmingworldtv | 14:26 | prohlédnuto: 365x
July 24, 2011: John Lohn and Peter Busch kick off eight days of special editions of The Morning Swim Show with analysis of the competition on the first day of pool swimming at the FINA world championships. The Australian's victory in the men's 400 freestyle relay starts the conversation, then segues into a deeper look into the Americans' performances on the men's and women's sides. From there, Lohn and Busch discuss each of the events swum in finals, including Cesar Cielo's triumph in the semifinals of the 50 butterfly, Dana Vollmer's success in the 100 butterfly semifinals and Tae-Hwan Park's victory in the 400 freestyle.

TV Blansko: Blanenský plecháč

17.2.2012 19:31 | regionalnitelevize | 4:31 | prohlédnuto: 46x
Tradiční triatlonový závod proběhl v Blansku 29. května.

TriZell Triathlon in Zell am See

17.2.2012 19:32 | zellamseekaprun | 4:03 | prohlédnuto: 826x Triathlon in Zell am See! And next year we'll host the IRONMAN 70.3 Zell am See-Kaprun too!

Fast Transitioning Swim to Bike

17.2.2012 19:31 | activedotcom | 2:34 | prohlédnuto: 69905x
Improve your T1 time by mastering Dave Scott's Techniques.'s thriving online community features original content and lively message boards with thousands of topics of interest to active individuals. Additionally, members can create personal profiles, share videos, post comments, ratings and more all at

TriZell Triathlon in Zell am See

6.8.2011 13:11 | zellamseekaprun | 4:03 | prohlédnuto: 826x Triathlon in Zell am See! And next year we'll host the IRONMAN 70.3 Zell am See-Kaprun too!

IRONMAN Frankfurt 2011

8.8.2011 10:22 | Wilhelmi3 | 11:32 | prohlédnuto: 8526x
Bild/Film Video / weitere Fotos sind unter zu sehen.

Swimsuits 2011 Preview

17.2.2012 19:31 | triathlete | 1:08 | prohlédnuto: 870x
Swimsuits 2011 Preview

Doksyman 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 6:20 | prohlédnuto: 842x
Doksyman 2011 -- triatlon -- 1,9 km plavání, 90 km kolo, 21 km běh. Poloviční ironman Máchově jezeře. Do cíle dorazilo 168 závodníků. Zvítězili Petr Vabroušek a Simona Vykoukalová. Free Royalty Free Music by

Triathlon Ingolstadt 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | mrbirkenstocki | 3:24 | prohlédnuto: 1100x

Triathlon Bundesliga Hannover 2011 - Musikclip Elite Herren

17.2.2012 19:32 | 360triathlonmagazine | 3:50 | prohlédnuto: 1491x
Triathlon Bundesliga Hannover 2011 - Musikclip Elite Herren

First in Flanders.m4v

17.2.2012 19:31 | zippspeed | 2:41 | prohlédnuto: 1480x
The Zipp 303 is the classics wheel that changed everything. The first carbon wheel to win the Tour of Flanders and Paris Roubaix in a single season, the 303 went on to conquer the toughest stage of the 2010 Tour before repeating at Flanders in 2011.

All3motion Hollie Avil

7.9.2011 11:59 | velomotionmk | 2:07 | prohlédnuto: 1026x
Hollie Avil's bike fit @ All3motion Retul bike fit studio, on her new Boardman Air time trial bike.

Lance Armstrong, Xterra USA Championship Race Video

17.2.2012 19:32 | sbrvids | 1:23 | prohlédnuto: 15036x Lance Armstrong finished 5th at Xterra USA World Championship in Ogden, Utah. The 7-time Tour de France Winner was a former professional triathlete before entering professional cycling. Video cut together from

XTERRA GERMANY / O-SEE Challenge 2011 - TV Beitrag von Ostsachsen TV

17.2.2012 19:32 | oseechallenge | 19:30 | prohlédnuto: 273x
XTERRA GERMANY / O-SEE Challenge 2011 - XTERRA Europameisterschaft, Deutsche Meisterschaft im Crosstriathlon, XTERRA German Tour und Czech Tour am Olbersdorfer See bei Zittau in Mitten des schönen Naturparks Zittauer Gebirge

Duatlon Klasik Příbram Ford CZECHMAN TOUR 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | tvfonka | 6:08 | prohlédnuto: 227x
Klasik Duatlon Přibram 6.závod seriálu FORD CZECHMAN TOUR 2011 mistrovství ČR v dlouhém duatlonu dospělých Vložené dětské závody ve sprit MTB duatlonu ředitel Ing. Petr Švarc

2011 Hawaii Ironman, Craig Alexander, Improving over last year?

17.2.2012 19:31 | sbrvids | 2:08 | prohlédnuto: 2497x - Craig Alexander at the 2011 Ford Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii. Pro Press conference, asked what he needs to do to improve over last year?

ASICS Made of Sport EspaĂąol: Estoy hecho de una vida de entrenamiento. No sólo de victorias.

17.2.2012 19:31 | asicsvideo | 2:42 | prohlédnuto: 19560x
El laureado triatleta Jan Frodeno reflexiona sobre el esfuerzo y la determinación que hacen falta para mantenerse en la cima de una disciplina tan exigente.

2011 Kona Chrissie Wellington Finish Line

17.2.2012 19:31 | watchtyr | 7:16 | prohlédnuto: 1550x
My First Project

2011 KONA Alexander wins

17.2.2012 19:31 | watchtyr | 0:54 | prohlédnuto: 499x

Triathlon Melnik 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | bondmelnik | 5:20 | prohlédnuto: 478x
Mistrovství republiky ve sprint triatlonu, 23.07.2011, Mělník. Kompilace foto-video. Plavání na pískovně Baraba. Závod snímala i Česká televize.

IRONMAN Hawaii 2011 - Bike Part

17.2.2012 19:31 | nopogobiker | 7:28 | prohlédnuto: 7805x

Team United Bakeries Styrketips 16-18

17.2.2012 19:31 | teamunitedbakeries | 1:15 | prohlédnuto: 5733x
Disse tre øvelsene kan settes sammen i en sirkel. 10 pü hver, 3 runder.

Finis Swimsense Test

17.2.2012 19:31 | triessential | 2:10 | prohlédnuto: 229x
We tested the Finis Swimsense watch in the pool. The device was easy to use in the pool. The software worked flawlessly when we uploaded on the training website. The website gave great information about DPS, speed, and the workout itself.

Recap of the 2010 Ironman Florida

17.2.2012 19:31 | ironmantriathlon | 1:11 | prohlédnuto: 1397x

Triathlete Magazine TRX Running Lunge 2

17.2.2012 19:31 | triathlete | 1:04 | prohlédnuto: 457x
Triathlete Magazine TRX Running Lunge 2

Styrketrening for syklister 3

17.2.2012 19:31 | teamunitedbakeries | 1:12 | prohlédnuto: 178x

Bike Course at 2011 XTERRA World Championship

17.2.2012 19:32 | sbrvids | 2:51 | prohlédnuto: 163x Lance Armstrong, Jan Frodeno, Michael Weiss, Eneko Llanos, Melanie McQuaid and age group athletes at 2011 XTERRA World Championship.

Dryland - Medball Chest Pass

17.2.2012 19:31 | goswim098 | 2:11 | prohlédnuto: 4550x
Working on the power necessary to increase your quickness in the recovery of breaststroke, as well as increasing your overall strength can be accomplished through a fun dryland exercise. Remember, whenever using medicine balls, extreme care and focus needs to be taken to make sure nobody gets hurt. Have a count, or during a competition, make sure the eyes aren't taken off the ball until a winner is established. These exercises should also be done under the supervision of a coach. Why do it: Throwing a weighted ball helps to incease the explosive power that sometimes gets overlooked or under developed in swimming. How to do it: 1) Grab a medball of a weight that's correct for the athletes you'll be working with, 6-8 pounds was good for these two athletes. 2) The athletes will be seated, with the feet raised off the floor. Initially, position the feet about 12-18 inches apart whlie raised. Practice tossing the ball back and forth. 3) Move the athletes closer so their feet are nearly touching. This is to make sure the passes can be more accurate. 4) Aim the all at the other athletes chest, trying to hit them squarely centered. Make sure the throw comes from both hands equally, and not shifting to one side. 5) Do sets of 10 throws various times, increasing the intensity of the throws. How to do it really well (the fine points): To really make this a great exercise, incorporate a competition. Who can stay balanced the longest while trying to knock your competitor off balance. Throwing the ball back with greater force, throwing it back quickly before the competition can regain their balance, or sheer endurnace will determine the winner. You'll find when done correctly, this exercise will not only work the power in the arms, but the abs and hip flexors as well. Enjoy, and be safe.

Craig Alexander Interview, 2010 Ironman 70.3 Boise

17.2.2012 19:31 | sbrvids | 4:11 | prohlédnuto: 42x - Craig Alexander Interview before the 2010 Ironman 70.3 Boise triathlon with Dave Erickson. "Sprint Triathlon" "Olympic Triathlon" "70.3 Triathlon" "Ironman Triathlon" "Swimming Videos" "Cycling Videos" "Running Videos" "Athlete Interviews" "Dave Erickson" "Ironman Triathlon Reporter'

Chrissie Wellington Tri Harder Launch

17.2.2012 19:31 | tri247tv | 2:39 | prohlédnuto: 526x
Chrissie Wellington Tri Harder Launch 2

Bevan Docherty interview

17.2.2012 19:31 | triathlete | 2:50 | prohlédnuto: 128x
Bevan Docherty interview

Soustředění Srní 2012

17.2.2012 19:31 | czetriatlon | 3:46 | prohlédnuto: 1149x
Soustředění české juniorské a K23 reprezentace v triatlonu na šumavském Srní v lednu 2012.

Butterfly - Extra Kick Fly

17.2.2012 19:31 | goswim098 | 1:38 | prohlédnuto: 4123x
Here's a simple butterfly drill that incorporates a few wonderful aspects... relaxation and the opportunity to work on timing. Why do it: If you need to work on a longer butterfly, this drill is great. If you need a bit more work on your lungs, this drill is great. If you need to discover the timing of your second kick, this drill is great. How to do it: 1) The drill is simple, swim butterfly, but after the hands land in front, throw in a couple extra kicks. 2) When you're planning on staying under longer (which is sometimes necessary for masters swimmers to slow rate down), you'll automatically dive a bit deeper on your entry. The longer path you'll discover can be more comfortable for longer butterfly swims. 3) You're going to be underwater longer, so it's easy to turn this into a semi-hypoxic training set. 4) The extra time you spend underwater, will allow you to plan on "kicking your hands out" to work on that 2nd kick of your regular fly. How to do it really well (the fine points): When you're learning, or when you want to train this, throw on some fins, or just try to go faster. Also, try to get your head down and in line with your body during the underwater portion.

Atlete Haile Gebrselassie Reveal part 1 CNN

17.2.2012 19:31 | abeyou | 8:14 | prohlédnuto: 261298x
Ethiopian long distance track and road running athlete. Known for his remarkable versatility, Gebrselassie achieved major competition wins at distances between 1500 metres and marathon, moving from outdoor, indoor and cross country running to road running in the latter part of his career. He has broken 25 world records and won numerous Olympic and World Championship titles, and is widely considered one of the greatest distance runners in history.

Freestyle Breathing with Michael Phelps, Katie Hoff, & Bob Bowman

17.2.2012 19:31 | theswimchannel | 3:20 | prohlédnuto: 142638x
Coach Bob Bowman explains about breathing techniques while swimming freestyle. Personal Best Freestyle is a groundbreaking swimming instructional video starring Olympic sensations Michael Phelps and Katie Hoff. To purchase the full DVD go here

Breaststroke - Single-Stroke Streamline

17.2.2012 19:32 | goswim098 | 1:38 | prohlédnuto: 16102x
Teaching young swimmers to "finish the process" of each stroke of breaststroke is the beginning of a long journey of stroke building.

On Assignment Ironman 70.3 Panama: Lance Armstrong Official Run Course Footage

17.2.2012 19:31 | ironmantriathlon | 1:24 | prohlédnuto: 37318x
On Assignment Ironman 70.3 Panama: Lance Armstrong Official Run Course Footage

The Kona Legacy - 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | ironmantriathlon | 1:34 | prohlédnuto: 9804x

On Assignment Ironman 70.3 Panama: Lance Armstrong Exclusive Post Race Interview

17.2.2012 19:31 | ironmantriathlon | 2:08 | prohlédnuto: 23044x
On Assignment reporter Dave Erickson and IronmanLIVE's Kevin Mackinnon caught up with Lance after his 2nd place finish at Ironman 70.3 Panama for an exclusive post race interview.

Introducing the Garmin Forerunner 910XT

17.2.2012 19:31 | garminblog | 1:43 | prohlédnuto: 65839x
Here's a quick look at Garmin's new Forerunner 910XT multisport training watch. The only all-in-one GPS-enabled device that provides detailed swim metrics and tracks distance, speed/pace, elevation and heart rate for running and cycling.

ForerunnerŽ 910XT: Swim metrics

17.2.2012 19:31 | garminblog | 2:22 | prohlédnuto: 22293x
ForerunnerŽ 910XT is Garmin's first fitness device to offer detailed swim metrics, including distance, efficiency, stroke type and more.

All Strokes - Physio Ball Dryland IM

17.2.2012 19:31 | goswim098 | 2:22 | prohlédnuto: 8411x
This week's drill features some different and fun ways to use a physio ball to work on technique for all your strokes. Why Do It: Fast hands and high elbows are two of the most important concepts in swimming, but are sometimes hard to grasp while you're swimming. Practicing your strokes on land while bouncing a physio ball can help you get a better idea of what's needed in the water. How to Do It: 1. Grab a physio ball and start dribbling, just like you would with a basketball. Left hand...right hand...left...right...left...right. 2. Once you get a rhythm, start adding a freestyle stroke...without breaking your rhythm. 3. Try for a high-elbow recovery...and make sure you're finishing your stroke at the back. 4. Try 10 to 20 strokes of free, then go back to dribbling left, right, left right. 5. To get ready for butterfly, start dribbling the ball with both hands at the same time. 6. Find your rhythm, then add a butterfly stroke...without breaking your rhythm. Try for a straight-arm recovery, and you've gotta be quick. Don't let your hands or arms get stuck at any point. 7. Try 10 strokes of fly, then go back to bouncing left, right, left, right. 8. Get ready for breaststroke, dribbling both hands at once. 9. Then go for it. Breaststroke with the physio ball requires super-fast hand speed. 10. Get the speed, then build the technique with nice high elbows. 11. Return to left, right, left right, then hold the physio ball with both hands for backstroke. 12. Plant your feet, lean back slightly, and swing the ball down and up...side to side. 13. Work the hips and obliques. You'll also feel it in your thighs. 14. Visualize a bent-arm pull that pushes a massive amount of water toward the other end of the pool. How to Do It Really Well (the Fine Points): Try the sequence several times, becoming more and more aware of your technique rather than just hitting the ball. Quick hands and high elbows are key in all these movements.

Craig Alexander & Chris Lieto - Running Technique Analysis by Kinetic Revolution

17.2.2012 19:31 | runningrevolution | 10:52 | prohlédnuto: 4530x
James Dunne from Kinetic Revolution provides a running technique video analysis, identifying the key technique factors which enable Craig "Crowie" Alexander to remain strong and effective on the Ironman marathon. Using Chris Lieto as a real-time comparison. For more information visit Footage from Kona 2009.

Great freestyle swimming tip

17.2.2012 19:31 | strokedoctorswims | 1:39 | prohlédnuto: 856772x
Extend your stroke as you go to air to achieve greater distance per stroke, which is what elite swimmers do.

Top 6 Stretching Exercises

17.2.2012 19:31 | activedotcom | 8:08 | prohlédnuto: 1283543x
Dave demonstrates six key stretching exercises to help enhance your range of motion and prevent injury. hosts the world's largest directory of sports and recreational activities, facilities, venues and classes, which includes more than 66,000 races, leagues, tournaments, camps and other recreational listings in over 80 sports and 5,000 cities all at

Kysucký Ultra Triatlon

17.2.2012 19:31 | junior13244 | 5:09 | prohlédnuto: 2294x
je to tu...(jsem jeden z nejlepších tanečníků disko!) ..ak máš nejaký ultimátny hajafaja nápad pre podobné koniny, určo pošli správu niekomu z produkčného tímu! Ak chceš aby sme prišli vystupovať do Kultúrneho domu v tvojej obci, posielal prázdne SMSky do sútaže od Resanky.. a hlavne: kupuj svrčinovské jogurty (na vlastnú zodpovednosť!).

Stupid Rollers Tricks

17.2.2012 19:31 | marcofanelli | 5:19 | prohlédnuto: 428240x
A dork rides the rollers.

ForerunnerŽ 910XT: Multisport Features

17.2.2012 19:31 | garminblog | 2:14 | prohlédnuto: 9431x
Learn how to use ForerunnerŽ 910XT's multisport features for your training and racing.

Freestyle - Sneaking Up On Air

17.2.2012 19:31 | goswim098 | 1:32 | prohlédnuto: 2455x
Here's a quick and simple drill to help you build a low breath in freestyle. Why Do It: Staying low when you breathe helps you avoid popping up and falling down during your breath. It also ensures that your energy is used to go forward and not up. How to Do It: 1. Start with some simple front balance. Both arms down to your sides. 2. Progress to front balance with both arms forward, position 11. 3. Initiate a pull back with one arm, while keeping the head still. 4. Now, as the arm pulls, roll over to air. How to Do It Really Well (the Fine Points): If you're still popping up, aim low. Actually aim to roll over UNDER the surface and then slowly sneak up toward air. Rather than popping up to air, learn to sneak up on it so your body stays in a better line longer.

Speedo Fastskin3

17.2.2012 19:31 | speedointernational | 3:58 | prohlédnuto: 90036x

MACCA in Hamburg: "I'm here to win, but I didn't win"

17.2.2012 19:32 | biestmilch | 1:49 | prohlédnuto: 5217x
For sure many of you may have watched the ITU world cup in Hamburg. It's a challenging city course with a lot of corners, and some cobble stones that may become a detrimental factor if it rains. Friday was such a rainy day, but race day was a brilliant hot day in Northern Germany. This was the first ITU race where one could really see the potential Chris has still got for short course races. His performance was consistent, awesome to watch! With Brad Kahlefeldt winning the race, it was all together a great day for Australia, and for Biestmilch.

Mel Rollison's dramatic Noosa finish

17.2.2012 19:32 | firstoffthebike | 0:30 | prohlédnuto: 27181x caught this dramtic finish from 70.3 World Champion Mel Rollison as she won the 2011 edition of the Noosa triathlon.

Grant Hackett Swimming Technique

17.2.2012 19:31 | jbiltonbtinternet | 0:08 | prohlédnuto: 341480x
Under water shot of Grant Hackett's front crawl technique

Go Swim Dryland Training

21.7.2011 10:59 | goswim098 | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 6470x
At Pine Crest Swim Camp, finding a simple dryland routine that anyone (except me) can do. Enjoy

Go Swim Dryland Training

24.7.2011 20:04 | goswim098 | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 6470x
At Pine Crest Swim Camp, finding a simple dryland routine that anyone (except me) can do. Enjoy

Go Swim Dryland Training

17.2.2012 19:32 | goswim098 | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 6470x
At Pine Crest Swim Camp, finding a simple dryland routine that anyone (except me) can do. Enjoy

The FINIS Swimsense is the Key to Tracking and Improving your Swim Performance

17.2.2012 19:31 | finisswim | 0:47 | prohlédnuto: 2798x
The SwimsenseŽ (Powered by SportSense™) is a groundbreaking training tool, which captures critical performance data. The monitor straps onto the wrist like a watch and uses accelerometers, magnetometers and patent-pending proprietary algorithms to identify your swim. Analyze your performance on the device with pace times, distance (meters/yards/laps), stroke count, stroke rate, distance-per-stroke and calories burned across all four major strokes. Performance data can then be uploaded to the FINISŽ SwimsenseŽ Training Log for additional analysis and historical review. The SwimsenseŽ Performance Monitor provides a revolutionary degree of information, which is key to tracking and improving your swim performance.

Natacion EliteMasc Seleccion

17.2.2012 19:32 | fetriatlon2 | 3:15 | prohlédnuto: 52756x
VIDEO DEL CAMPEONATO DE EUROPA DE TRIATLÓN, DONDE SE PUEDE VER EL SEGMENTO DE NATACIÓN COMO EL TRIATLETA GÓMEZ NOYA NO TIENE POSIBILIDAD DE UNIRSE AL GRUPO DE NATACIÓN YA QUE ES EMPUJADO HACIA EL CENTRO DE LA RÍA, ADEMÁS DEL BLOQUEO SUFRIDO A LA SALIDA DEL AGUA. Wiltshire-Noya: Segmento Natación Pontevedra, 26 Junio. La Federación EspaĂąola de Triatlón, una vez visionado el material gráfico del que dispone sobre la prueba Élite Masculina del Campeonato de Europa de Triatlón de Pontevedra y, a pesar de que el deportista Javier Gómez Noya renuncie a realizar reclamación alguna, la FETRI ha decidido personase ante la ITU para realizar un informe del incidente ocurrido en el segmento de natación durante la celebración de la prueba, entre Harry Wiltshire y Javier Gómez Noya, solicitando de manera oficial la suspensión del deportista Harry Wiltshire que mantuvo una actitud en el segmento de natacion, en nuestra opinión antideportiva y reiterativa en perjuicio del triatleta Javier Gómez Noya, cometiendo dicha infracción. En una situación como esta, la Federación considera que deben ser estudiadas y atajadas ejemplarmente. Según palabras del Presidente de la Federación EspaĂąola de Triatlón, José Hidalgo, "no somos partidarios de este tipo de actuaciones, pero una vez vistas las imágenes consideramos que debemos defender a nuestros deportistas de este tipo de acciones" El deportista se retiró posteriormente en el sector ciclista sin finalizar prueba y posteriormente fue descalificado por la actitud observada por los jueces en el sector de natación.

How To Pack a Triathlon Bike

17.2.2012 19:31 | sbrvids | 2:28 | prohlédnuto: 364x - Original Content by Dave Erickson Media. How To Pack a Triathlon Bike for Ironman 70.3 California 2011 -Swimming, Cycling, Running, Triathlon, Sprint Triathlon, Olympic Triathlon, 70.3 Triathlon, Ironman Triathlon, Swimming Videos, Cycling Videos, Running Videos, Athlete Interviews,

Rozhovor s reprezentačním trenérem Neuwirtem

17.2.2012 19:32 | 84vlk | 11:05 | prohlédnuto: 491x
Rozhovor s reprezentačním trenérem Neuwirtem V Brně 2.4.2011

Sobotní škola kraulu Etriatlon - plavání pokročilejší

17.2.2012 19:32 | etriatlon | 0:33 | prohlédnuto: 1431x
Jednodenní kemp plavání s cílem naučit nebo zdokonalovat plavecký způsob kraul. Sport Training Center Etriatlon Team

Mor. Budějovice - 6/2011 - triatlon muži- vyhlášení

17.2.2012 19:31 | vcabel | 7:47 | prohlédnuto: 59x

Osecký triatlon 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | tvlipnik | 18:51 | prohlédnuto: 468x
TV uvádí: Osecký triatlon 2011, Osecký Jadran V sobotu 2. července 2011 se konal u Oseckého Jadranu již 4. ročník závodu Osecký triatlon, v letošním roce s podtitulem Dojdi a ukaž co je v tobě! Závod se skládal ze tří disciplín -- plavání (650 m), cyklistika (25 km) a běh (6 km). Závodníci byli rozděleni na několik kategorií -- muži a ženy, a dále podle věku. V tomto zkráceném sestřihu videozáznamu máte možnost zhlédnout průběh závodu. Článek a fotogalerii z této akce naleznete na

Top 11 Pro Men 2010 Hawaii Ironman

20.7.2011 10:24 | SBRVIDS | 5:05 | prohlédnuto: 172x - Original Content by Dave Erickson Media. Swimming, Cycling, Running, Triathlon, Sprint Triathlon, Olympic Triathlon, 70.3 Triathlon, Ironman Triathlon, Swimming Videos, Cycling Videos, Running Videos, Athlete Interviews, Top 11 Pro Men Hawaii Ironman 2010

How To Pack a Triathlon Bike

17.7.2011 21:38 | SBRVIDS | 2:28 | prohlédnuto: 364x - Original Content by Dave Erickson Media. How To Pack a Triathlon Bike for Ironman 70.3 California 2011 -Swimming, Cycling, Running, Triathlon, Sprint Triathlon, Olympic Triathlon, 70.3 Triathlon, Ironman Triathlon, Swimming Videos, Cycling Videos, Running Videos, Athlete Interviews,

FINIS Sculling Paddles: Improve Stroke Catch and Build Muscle Memory

20.7.2011 10:25 | FINISswim | 5:17 | prohlédnuto: 573x
Sculling Paddles are shorter swimming paddles that cover the fingers instead of the entire hand. The shorter design allows swimmers to focus on sculling technique and maintain the feel of the water against their hands. The paddles heighten stroke awareness and emphasize stroke imperfections, making it easier to identify and correct technique. Sculling Paddles are a great way to build forearm and finger strength by accentuating the entire stroke from entry to finish. The smaller design also minimizes pressure put on shoulders, avoiding potential injury that can be caused by traditional paddles. The Sculling Paddles can be worn during any swim stroke, and are available in a Jr size.

World Aquatics Ch 2011: Swimming, Men's 200 m breaststroke, heat

28.7.2011 18:48 | Kovi421 | 2:28 | prohlédnuto: 567x
Vizes VB 2011, Úszás férfi 200m mellúszás, előfutam Molnár Ákos (továbbjutott)

Gatorade Triathlon Series Melb Race 1

17.2.2012 19:32 | firstoffthebike | 5:36 | prohlédnuto: 429x


15.7.2011 17:01 | 360triathlonmagazine | 0:58 | prohlédnuto: 144x

Větřkovický triatlon 2011 (bez hudby)

17.2.2012 19:31 | horskekolo | 9:59 | prohlédnuto: 199x
Video ze závodu z neděle 28.8.2011. Více info na -

Chlumecký triatlonek 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | petrhoryna | 4:27 | prohlédnuto: 188x
Chlumecký triatlonek 2011, Chárovna 27.8.2011 Autoři videa: Redaktor: Lucie Podobská, kamera: Pavla Mendřická, střih: Luděk Vondrouš Výsledky zde:

JVP TV: Triatlon - Pozvánka na závody XTERRA Zlatá stezka 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | regionalnitelevize | 6:12 | prohlédnuto: 57x
Organizátor Michal Piloušek zve na letošní závody v triatlonu XTERRA Zlatá stezka 2011

Triax akvatlon 2011 - muži výbeh z vody - prenasledovatelia

29.7.2011 20:57 | machinista | 0:29 | prohlédnuto: 202x

Triax akvatlon 2011 - muži výbeh z vody - prenasledovatelia

17.2.2012 19:32 | machinista | 0:29 | prohlédnuto: 202x

Víkendový kemp plavání v Chrudimi

17.2.2012 19:32 | etriatlon | 0:16 | prohlédnuto: 1888x
Natáčení pod hladinou. Rozbory techniky plavání kraul

Smashed arm finishes lake placid ironman 2011 15;27 hours

6.8.2011 08:19 | peerfishlax | 0:21 | prohlédnuto: 1399x
Video uploaded from my phone.

Kokos Triatlon 2011

17.2.2012 19:31 | standabog | 10:16 | prohlédnuto: 30x
Triatlonový závod v Březíně i za účasti členů HOŘOVICE TEAMU.

Hy-Vee Tri, Women's Elite Cup 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | scheelsadmin | 0:35 | prohlédnuto: 734x
Scheels sponsored the 2011 Hy-Vee Triathlon, where Lisa Norden of Sweden crossed the finish line in just under two hours to claim the Hy-Vee Triathlon 5150 Elite Cup title, followed by Mirinda Carfrae and Sarah Haskins.

Olivier Marceau speaks TriStar

7.9.2011 11:59 | StarEventsWorldwide | 0:56 | prohlédnuto: 116x
Olivier Marceau during the official press conference of the TriStar111 Monaco 2011.

2011 Titanium Man Triathlon

7.9.2011 11:59 | SBRVIDS | 5:21 | prohlédnuto: 210x - Original Content by Dave Erickson Media at 2011 Titanium Man Olympic Triathlon in Kennewick, Washington.

aerodrink hydration system, from Profile Design

17.2.2012 19:31 | profiledesign2009 | 0:17 | prohlédnuto: 5191x
Aerobar mounted hydration system, from Profile Design

Women at the finish line of the TriStar111 Monaco 2011

7.9.2011 11:59 | StarEventsWorldwide | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 298x
Top 3 Women at the finsish line of the TriStar111 Monaco 2011. After swimming, there was a woman on the second place in the overall standings: Britain's Catherine Jameson. In the bike segment French triathlete Johanna Daumas (4:17:28) won a comfortable lead of 5 minutes over the Irish Eimear Mullan in a very strong rhythm, which was somewhat reduced in the line next to the Casino and the legendary Café Paris of Monte Carlo. Barbara Braches from Switzerland finished third. "I am very happy for this victory, I had to fight hard, especially after a day as complicated for the rain on the bike, and for the course which has been very demanding" said Daumas.

Review TriStar Mallorca 2011

17.2.2012 19:32 | stareventsworldwide | 1:56 | prohlédnuto: 1353x
A photo slide review of the inaugural TriStar Mallorca (April 2011), in Portocolom.


17.2.2012 19:31 | ledmultimediatv | 0:16 | prohlédnuto: 111x
Velká cena energetické společnosti E.ON v triatlonu Český a evropský pohár / mistrovství ČR Tábor 31.7.2011

Otrokovice: Mistrem ČR v triatlonu je opět Petr Vabroušek

17.2.2012 19:31 | tvslovacko1 | 2:05 | prohlédnuto: 145x

Cycle Show 2011 Campagnolo

17.2.2012 19:31 | tri247tv | 2:17 | prohlédnuto: 239x
Cycle Show 2011 Campagnolo

7. října 2011 7:16

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:54 | prohlédnuto: 143x
Toto video bylo nahráno z telefonu se systémem Android

Horský off road duatlon Okolo Visalají

17.2.2012 19:31 | skybedy | 5:27 | prohlédnuto: 180x
Horský off road duatlon Okolo Visalají.

Ford Ironman World Championship 2011 - české stopy v Koně

17.2.2012 19:31 | skybedy | 4:45 | prohlédnuto: 1013x
Ford Ironman World Championship 2011 - české stopy v Koně

Dave 2011 11 18 074549

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:47 | prohlédnuto: 30x

David 11 Nov 2011 07:04

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:40 | prohlédnuto: 19x

roman 9 Nov 2011 06:57

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:50 | prohlédnuto: 34x

david horni pohled vysvetleno proc mu nejde plavat

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 80x


17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:39 | prohlédnuto: 6x

david po změně

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:25 | prohlédnuto: 61x

david zpomalene 01

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 3:15 | prohlédnuto: 57x

radovan pomalu zezadu

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:46 | prohlédnuto: 25x

lenka zezadu pomalu

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 0:38 | prohlédnuto: 18x

david pomalu zezadu

17.2.2012 19:31 | triatlontv | 1:15 | prohlédnuto: 11x

Rasmus on getting Lanced

17.2.2012 19:31 | triathlete | 0:32 | prohlédnuto: 78x
Rasmus on getting Lanced

FINIS Dryland Cords: Swim Conditioning Outside The Pool

17.2.2012 19:31 | finisswim | 1:21 | prohlédnuto: 701x Resistance workouts are a vital aspect of swim training and conditioning. The Dryland Cords are made with durable rubber tubing and comfortable handles. Attaching to an anchor point, the Dryland Cords allow swimmers to train outside the water and stimulate swimming motions. The cords isolate important muscles and enhance a swimmer's speed and endurance while building strength and a better range of motion. The Dryland Cords are appropriate for swimmers of all ages and abilities and come in three different resistances. The cords are also a great tool to combat injury and maintain strength in the off season. Visit FINIS at

Triatlonová videa oblíbená

Triax akvatlon 2011 - muži výbeh z vody - prenasledovatelia

29.7.2011 20:57 | machinista | 0:29 | prohlédnuto: 202x


15.7.2011 17:01 | 360triathlonmagazine | 0:58 | prohlédnuto: 144x

Raelert Brothers Training Day Part 2

14.7.2011 12:07 | kswissinc | 4:50 | prohlédnuto: 26734x
The Raelert Brothers - Michael Raelert and Andreas Raelert don't take a challenge lightly. The duo's training week continues on during the early hours in Spain. Follow their journey.

All3motion Hollie Avil

7.9.2011 11:59 | velomotionmk | 2:07 | prohlédnuto: 1026x
Hollie Avil's bike fit @ All3motion Retul bike fit studio, on her new Boardman Air time trial bike.

Andreas Talks About Breaking A World Record

15.7.2011 17:04 | triathlete | 0:45 | prohlédnuto: 555x
Without support from his brother Michael, Andreas Raelert may not have broken the record.

Dr. Andy Pruitt - A Brief History of BCSM, Fitting and Specialized BG Fit

13.7.2011 17:30 | specialized411 | 11:05 | prohlédnuto: 1904x
Specialized has worked with Dr. Andy Pruitt for over a decade to develop products and services based on his work at the Boulder Center for Sports Medicine. Here Dr. Pruitt offers some insight to what brought him to create BCSM, how he started working with Specialized and why the Specialized Body Geometry products and Specialized BG Fit training are so important to cyclists.

FINIS Sculling Paddles: Improve Stroke Catch and Build Muscle Memory

20.7.2011 10:25 | FINISswim | 5:17 | prohlédnuto: 573x
Sculling Paddles are shorter swimming paddles that cover the fingers instead of the entire hand. The shorter design allows swimmers to focus on sculling technique and maintain the feel of the water against their hands. The paddles heighten stroke awareness and emphasize stroke imperfections, making it easier to identify and correct technique. Sculling Paddles are a great way to build forearm and finger strength by accentuating the entire stroke from entry to finish. The smaller design also minimizes pressure put on shoulders, avoiding potential injury that can be caused by traditional paddles. The Sculling Paddles can be worn during any swim stroke, and are available in a Jr size.

Go Swim Dryland Training

21.7.2011 10:59 | goswim098 | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 6470x
At Pine Crest Swim Camp, finding a simple dryland routine that anyone (except me) can do. Enjoy

How To Pack a Triathlon Bike

17.7.2011 21:38 | SBRVIDS | 2:28 | prohlédnuto: 364x - Original Content by Dave Erickson Media. How To Pack a Triathlon Bike for Ironman 70.3 California 2011 -Swimming, Cycling, Running, Triathlon, Sprint Triathlon, Olympic Triathlon, 70.3 Triathlon, Ironman Triathlon, Swimming Videos, Cycling Videos, Running Videos, Athlete Interviews,

Challenge Roth 2011 - Race Coverage

13.7.2011 17:29 | triaguide | 19:52 | prohlédnuto: 13649x war mit dabei bei der Jubiläumsveranstaltung des Challenge Roth. Seht hier unseren 20-minütigen Rennbericht vom neuen Weltredkord im Langdistanz-Triathlon.

Chrissie on her WR at challenge Roth

14.7.2011 12:06 | triathlete | 2:30 | prohlédnuto: 678x
Great Britain's Chrissie Wellington earned her third-straight victory at Challenge Roth in the same way she's done in each of the last two years, with a new world record. Wellington's reported time of 8:18:13 breaks her own 2010 world record by exactly one minute. Her final time was the combination of a 49:49 swim, 4:40:39 bike and a 2:44:35 marathon.

IRONMAN Frankfurt 2011

8.8.2011 10:22 | Wilhelmi3 | 11:32 | prohlédnuto: 8526x
Bild/Film Video / weitere Fotos sind unter zu sehen.

MACCA in Hamburg: "I'm here to win, but I didn't win"

21.7.2011 10:57 | biestmilch | 1:49 | prohlédnuto: 5217x
For sure many of you may have watched the ITU world cup in Hamburg. It's a challenging city course with a lot of corners, and some cobble stones that may become a detrimental factor if it rains. Friday was such a rainy day, but race day was a brilliant hot day in Northern Germany. This was the first ITU race where one could really see the potential Chris has still got for short course races. His performance was consistent, awesome to watch! With Brad Kahlefeldt winning the race, it was all together a great day for Australia, and for Biestmilch.

Olivier Marceau speaks TriStar

7.9.2011 11:59 | StarEventsWorldwide | 0:56 | prohlédnuto: 116x
Olivier Marceau during the official press conference of the TriStar111 Monaco 2011.

Smashed arm finishes lake placid ironman 2011 15;27 hours

6.8.2011 08:19 | peerfishlax | 0:21 | prohlédnuto: 1399x
Video uploaded from my phone.

The FINIS Swimsense is the Key to Tracking and Improving your Swim Performance

15.7.2011 11:03 | FINISswim | 0:47 | prohlédnuto: 2798x
The SwimsenseŽ (Powered by SportSense™) is a groundbreaking training tool, which captures critical performance data. The monitor straps onto the wrist like a watch and uses accelerometers, magnetometers and patent-pending proprietary algorithms to identify your swim. Analyze your performance on the device with pace times, distance (meters/yards/laps), stroke count, stroke rate, distance-per-stroke and calories burned across all four major strokes. Performance data can then be uploaded to the FINISŽ SwimsenseŽ Training Log for additional analysis and historical review. The SwimsenseŽ Performance Monitor provides a revolutionary degree of information, which is key to tracking and improving your swim performance.

Top 11 Pro Men 2010 Hawaii Ironman

20.7.2011 10:24 | SBRVIDS | 5:05 | prohlédnuto: 172x - Original Content by Dave Erickson Media. Swimming, Cycling, Running, Triathlon, Sprint Triathlon, Olympic Triathlon, 70.3 Triathlon, Ironman Triathlon, Swimming Videos, Cycling Videos, Running Videos, Athlete Interviews, Top 11 Pro Men Hawaii Ironman 2010

Training Log: Raelert Brothers Canary Islands Training Camp

14.7.2011 12:06 | triathlete | 0:42 | prohlédnuto: 3340x
Michael and Andreas Raelert take you inside their morning training run at Las Playitas in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. This morning's workout consisted of a hilly 20km run.

Triathlete and Olympian Matt Reed talks about racing Ironman in 2011

18.7.2011 15:35 | romanmica | 2:32 | prohlédnuto: 1717x
( ) Matty Reed has spent much of his professional triathlon career racing Olympic distance races. But last year he stuck his toe in the Ironman pool by racing his first Ironman race in Arizona. This year Reed is now returning back to the longer distance races by trying to qualify for a Kona slot. We recently had the chance to catch up with Matt at the 2011 Boulder Peak Triathlon and ask him about his race plans for the rest of 2011

TriZell Triathlon in Zell am See

6.8.2011 13:11 | zellamseekaprun | 4:03 | prohlédnuto: 826x Triathlon in Zell am See! And next year we'll host the IRONMAN 70.3 Zell am See-Kaprun too!

Women at the finish line of the TriStar111 Monaco 2011

7.9.2011 11:59 | StarEventsWorldwide | 0:53 | prohlédnuto: 298x
Top 3 Women at the finsish line of the TriStar111 Monaco 2011. After swimming, there was a woman on the second place in the overall standings: Britain's Catherine Jameson. In the bike segment French triathlete Johanna Daumas (4:17:28) won a comfortable lead of 5 minutes over the Irish Eimear Mullan in a very strong rhythm, which was somewhat reduced in the line next to the Casino and the legendary Café Paris of Monte Carlo. Barbara Braches from Switzerland finished third. "I am very happy for this victory, I had to fight hard, especially after a day as complicated for the rain on the bike, and for the course which has been very demanding" said Daumas.

2011 Titanium Man Triathlon

7.9.2011 11:59 | SBRVIDS | 5:21 | prohlédnuto: 210x - Original Content by Dave Erickson Media at 2011 Titanium Man Olympic Triathlon in Kennewick, Washington.
15.12.24Jelle Geens drtivým tempem ukradnul světový titul Wildemu
14.12.24Taylor Knibb slaví hattrick na mistrovství světa IRONMAN 70.3
25.11.24Cozumel ovládli Aernouts a Reischmann
17.11.24Finále T-100 ovládli favorité Knibb a Van Riel
27.10.24Lange překvapivě opět vítězem havajského Ironmana
22.10.24Favorité mistrovství světa Ironman 2024
22.9.24Laura Philipp slaví titul mistryně světa v IRONMANu, české triatlonistky také zářily
22.8.24Oproti Paříži v Tokyu všechno klapalo, jak mělo, říká Petra Kuříková
18.8.24Blu je zpět a ve Frankfurtu pálil ostrými
10.8.24Vítěz IM TEXAS suspendován za doping!